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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • The only reason why Dutto is pushing Nuclear as an option is because he is a crony.

    Wind power generation has a barrier to entry, but it is much lower than Coal or Fracking, which is why there is so much corporate-sponsored astroturfing against it. Coal and Fracking also has a lower barrier to entry, but is cheap compared to Nuclear.

    Solar is the great equaliser. Anyone can throw a handful of solar panels on their roof, connect them to an array of old car batteries and add an inverter and voila! Instant home power generation. Get out from under of the boot of Power Companies and be self-sufficient (as long as you don’t want to use a hair-dryer).

    If the proles can get of free energy and no longer need to rely on The Grid, all of the Corporations that own Dutto will no longer have any political power.

    Dutto is not offering Nuclear as an alternative to Coal and LNG to the electorate, he is offering it as an alternative to his lords and masters.

  • Salvo@aussie.zonetoAustralia@aussie.zoneBudget Night Thread
    1 month ago

    There are enough people who own rentals who will be running their hands together and grinning maniacally. They have been cranking up their tenants rent to cover their interest rates increases, and now that their tenants are government funded, they can increase rents even more!

    Rent assistance claims to be welfare for people who can’t afford to buy their own home, it is actually just welfare for landlords.

  • Salvo@aussie.zonetoAustralia@aussie.zoneBudget Night Thread
    2 months ago

    It is almost as if the economists who advise the government don’t understand economics.

    If you pay more for a thing, it makes it more expensive, it is Economics 101.

    And don’t get me started on the Reserve Bank and interest rates. “People have too much debt; let’s make their current manageable debt into crippling debt so they can’t survive at all! That will stop them from borrowing more money.”

  • Salvo@aussie.zonetoAustralia@aussie.zoneBudget Night Thread
    2 months ago

    Also corporate welfare. All rent assistance and energy rebates are going to do is drive up the prices.

    Exactly the same thing happened with Home Owners Grants; we went from being able to purchase an entry-level house and land for 2 years worth of wages to having to save for 5 years just to have a deposit.

  • Salvo@aussie.zonetoAustralia@aussie.zoneCar spotting game
    2 months ago

    The Jimny Wave is a thing, if we see another person driving a Jimny, we wave to each other.

    It used to be people in Jeeps would wave, but people who drive Jeeps (an G-Wagons) are all yuppie snobs. Occasionally you will see someone in a 2-door Wranger who isn’t a snob…

    Fun fact, if you see someone driving a Jeep Wranger with a spare wheel rim, but no tyre, you will immediately know three things about them.

    1. They have replaced their factory tyre with illegally oversized tyres.
    2. They are idiots who do not understand how reality works.
    3. They are of a certain racial group with a caste-based social structure. Manual labour like changing a wheel when they have a flat tyre is beneath their status.

  • When I was a courier, I would plan my route to avoid school zones. In those occasions when I did have to travel past a school between the hours of 2:30 and 4:00pm, I would be a model driver, a safe and legal speed and always with an eye out for unpredictable pedestrians and other road users.

    The biggest hazard at that time of day were the parents who were either picking up their little turds, or parents on the way to a different school speeding through school zones because they had one too many day drinks and lost track of time.

    I noticed that the students who walked to and from school by themselves or with an older sibling were always careful, road smart and safe.