country’s procurement system is accused of costs being cut at the expense of people’s safety
How unsurprisingly capitalistic of the CCP…
This. How people are only now suddenly “discovering” he’s a nazi (or knew, but for whatever reason are only now drawing the line), when he’s been spouting this shit for years at this point, is a bit ridiculous…
I haven’t debated them though? I called them transphobes, left 3 links for the sake of anyone who might be reading their nonsense and want some correct information, blocked them all, and reported the issue.
Those are not inherently the same,
Yes, they are, like I said, you don’t have to mean it to be transphobic for it to be transphobic. People who are ignorant and get called out who don’t want to be transphobes will admit ignorance, apologise, and improve their behaviour. Anything else makes a person a transphobe, no matter how uncomfortable that makes you.
Yes, an anonymous internet forum, which is open to and used by the public.
I’m really not sure what point you’re trying to make - just let transphobes be? Because fuck that.
I think I remember from the 196 mess that Ada mentioned being able to see reports that haven’t been acted on, but I’m not sure about those that were acted on, even if that action is ignoring. Either way, I’m glad there are meta spaces to bring it up either way!
Wahey, good riddance! Thanks for the update.
Thanks for tagging in the relevant people, and for confirming that if the mod in question deleted the reports, they probably wouldn’t reach the admin level.
I really hope the other admins act as decisively as db0.
Fantastic. We can only hope that the team take a similar stance against this user, but I won’t hold my breath.
I posted here because this is the instance the mod uses, but you’re absolutely right, I missed that it wasn’t hosted on that instance, and will be making a relevant post in our own meta community, thanks
Transphobia is transphobia whether the person doing it means for it to be or not.
I blocked all 3 people in that conversation, and the community it came from, that doesn’t mean I’m just going to sit quietly and let a transphobic mod get their way and foster their own little transphobic community, especially since I assume it is against the rules of the instance they’re on.
We need to call out this shit publicly, not just look the other way.
And yet? I want everybody to shut up about it because we have far more pressing issues at hand. When it comes to women’s sports the public has made up their mind and the facts don’t matter.
So do I, which is why I reported those comments to be removed, but then realised that the only mod in the community agrees, and so they wouldn’t only not be removed, but more of them would be encouraged, which I think is unacceptable, especially if the instance hosting them has rules against bigotry, which is what this is.
I reported the comments, but the sole mod openly saying they agree with them is why I made this post, assuming the reports go to them ,and they will blatantly just ignore them
E: I have now also after realising the mod is from but the community is hosted on db0, crossposted to our own meta
“A new study finds” what communists have been saying for over a century…
People are still questioning why??