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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023

  • Ok, the source of the judgement doesn’t eclipse me, nor do I see how that could be derived but you got there somehow so…

    I’m speculating on the whether citizens united rescinds the gmnts ability to demand money, writ large, as that would impinge our 1st amendment. Punitive judgements, between separate parties neither of which are the government such as with Jones v Sandy Hook parents, I would assume wouldnt be effected because the judge is basically performing arbitrage. The DOL, permitting, and taxes are wholly separate issues. Likewise the EPA bringing a corp to court over pollution, or the SEC against bad actors illegally manipulating pump and dump. Not that cases like that couldn’t exist, but not with a government agency as an aggrieved party.

    Ya follow? I don’t think its a difficult thought experiment.

  • So your clear on this going forward; the first amendment protects a persons speech from repercussions from the government. That’s it. Not from aggrieved parties. Not even from businesses deciding to sue. It means your city or state can’t censor you - the rest of society ABSOLUTELY can tho.

    Free speech doesn’t mean you get to say whatever you want. Free speech means the government has to argue you back, if it decides, and not use the power of the state, and it’s monopoly of the use of violence against you.

    If you want to burn a cross, go ahead. But you’re also free to experience the consequences within yr community - the government isn’t going to protect your decision to be inflammatory. In both ways in this particular case.

    What I want to know, is if money is free speech and the government cannot impinge on that right, then how the fuck can the government charge us for ANYTHING, be that fines or services. All should of been rendered moot with citizens united.

  • I’m waiting for an “Ohio” moment like CSN&Y sang, it’s coming. That shit happened to boomers, who have now become the oppressor, continuing the cycle of needless pain, loss and suffering. That’s the kind of shit that keeps the aliens from showing their face. I would’ve want to be known about around that kind of normalized psychopathy either.

    History doesn’t repeat but it rhymes. Cops today are too indoctrinated that they are at war with the citizenry - of which they clearly hold themselves above. They’re gonna spill students blood. Students who are protesting supplying Israel with weapons for what’s become an unjustifiable offensive war. Hell half of these cops fetishize throwing the Zionists back in the old ovens but they just can’t pass up any chance to spill 18yr old girls blood for having an opinion. And at this point the girl is the only moral one in the group. I don’t think I’d even stand in the way of the cops if they were going for the Zionists.

    Fascists all around. Kleptocracy staring down the barrel of loaded gun.

    Above all, we need to collectively realize that the story of our lives in our head is a fiction. Every second we are alive we are deciding what kind of world this is, with our actions. There is no one coming to save us. You are the adult in the room. If you see a wrong, justice demands you act. All of us. Together that adds up to community, a zeitgeist of home.

    I have a metaphysical theory that we all unconsciously carry the weight of our ancestors with us, and some part of our subconscious, or our reflexive self (the part of you that blinks the millisecond before something hits your eye), or maybe our supra conscious/soul/spirit, (the part of us not bound to time/Morty playing Roy) is constantly tabulating a score and multiples of maladies manifest from this ennui.

    If you’re bored, you aren’t trying hard enough. If you’re depressed, you need to insert yourself in the solution, whatever you see that as. Your depression will magically resolve itself. No ones depressed in a war zone. Science has quantifiably proven that.

    It’s better to die on your feet, in defense of the truth, and as an agent of justice than live on your knees having sold the essence of your soul, sacrificing dynamism for mediocrity. 5 years that run the gamut of highs and lows or 50 years of office work. It’s not even optional to me, it’s just fact.

  • SoylentBlake@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzbanana slugs
    2 months ago

    Those little fuckers will destroy yr garden if you let them.

    You can leave beer out in a cooking pot and they’ll climb the walls then drown in it - but I don’t drink and don’t want to buy beer

    Sooooo you can capture 4 or 5 of them, cut them in half and impale them on skewers and line your garden Vlad-like and that will, I shit you not, scare the rest from coming in.

    Unfortunately, slug eggs are super fucking tiny and are just left random-where in the soil, so there’s nothing short of nuking the ground that we can do to get rid of them…so the staking continues.

  • Some things you aren’t told about aging but should know;

    Life isnt supposed to be easy. It wasn’t for our ancestors and we aren’t special.

    That being said, I feel like we’re currently playing on hard mode right now.

    When yr young all the options are available to you in your head. As you get older, those narrow down, but so do your desires. Desire is the antithesis of happiness.

    I repeat; DESIRE is the antithesis of happiness.

    As decades start stacking you’re gonna find you measure time differently. In my teens it was in days, in my 20s it was in weeks. In my 30s; months. Now I think in seasons.

    The majority of our own unhappiness comes from self torture. Things will be done when they are done, time as we think of it is a human artificiality. Don’t beat yourself up for missing imaginary boundaries. Don’t get upset over things that aren’t manifesting in reality. It is literally, 100%, you getting in your own way by slowing yourself down, paying penance to your internalized capitalism, from your goal. Circular, round and round, you go, down the drain. Stop, drop anchor, reassess.

    The only failure in life is the failure to learn the lesson. You will continue to create the same problems until you address the root of it. You can’t run from it cuz whereever you go, there you are. Your struggles, and the lessons, are your reasons to be here.

    Don’t concern yourself with other people’s opinions of you. Concern yourself with your opinion of yourself. Anyone overly concerned with other things and other people isn’t spending enough time looking in.

    You’ll only feel successful when you respect yourself. Until you have that there is no other goal, only side quests.

    Everything that has been made by man can be unmade by man. Heirarchy, religion are copium, yet, when you compare the various ones the world over there are reoccurring themes - this is the closest we’ve come to defining human nature, in the similarities.

    And I guess the last thing I want to say is that if you consider yourself a Christian, you need to be actively trying to live your life as if you were Jesus and we are all sons of God. Everything he said implied that and you know it. I’ve met like 5 Christians in my life. Wonderful people.

  • Then the government should consider that.

    To be rich one simply needs to do what is exemplified by them. Obviously, right?

    So, don’t pay tax,

    Assume the law doesn’t apply to you

    Cozy up to the shadow side of the inner circles, the generally unknown but protected people, think adult children of police and judges.

    For whatever reason, drag every court case out and take everything to trial.

    Dumping forever chemicals and commiting treason while on national television are also fair game, imo.

    When the law is applied unequally = no one, high or low, will respect the law.

    I am in the most danger to die when I am in the presence of the police. Respect is not a word I associate with that profession.

    Monster. Liars. Abusers. Bully. Serial killer. Murderers. Hellbound. Those words make up my mental association map.