Dude, I want your instance to show all unhinged content. All the tankie and all the nazi stuff. Extremist statist are hilarious. Reading your debates gives me endless joy.
Dude, I want your instance to show all unhinged content. All the tankie and all the nazi stuff. Extremist statist are hilarious. Reading your debates gives me endless joy.
Have you listened to the Jamie Loftus podcast on mensa?
It demonstrates both ends of the argument beautifully. Very insightful show; I hated the presenter afterwards but I think her insight would mesh well with your point of view.
I don’t think trolls are in any way relevant to the moderation debate. People have the right to be stupid and other people have the right to talk shit about opinions they perceive as stupid. If you don’t want someone who potentially is going to shit on your opinions don’t post those opinions on a public forum.
I miss the wild West cluster fuck internet. Things were calmer when everyone was arguing with eachother. People came away from debates with the same opinion but at least learned a thing or two along the way. The sad thing about moderation and censorship is that there’s unintended consequences when we apply half measures. I my opinion moderation is an all or nothing deal. I’m on the don’t moderate anything and let people have shouting matches end of the spectrum.
When there’s minor moderation people self censor and it’s hard to gauge someone’s true opinion, which in my is more harmful than full censorship where you tow the party line; because everyone knows the party line and can figure out what is actually being said.
They were colonised. During the soviet Union there was a rabid russification program. Back in like 2020 something like half of all cars in Latvia were on Russian plates. The anti communist sentiment is muddled with anti Russian sentiment. The baltics are a productive region, and during communism were having their wealth extracted to be used in the heartland to raise the living standards of less productive regions. Equity under communism was making them poorer. Communism doesn’t help everyone. Communism didn’t help the romanovs and it certainly didn’t help the baltics. Communism is an ideology that appeals to the worst off in society. As far as the union of Soviets go, the heartland and Kazakhstan gaining the most while Eastern Europe got royally screwed.
Oh and by the way fascism comes from the Italian fascismo meaning faggot (as in the bundle of sticks made in to a broom) it symbolises that one might be weak but together they are strong. Fascism is national socialism with emphasis on nationality/race. It’s an evil ideology that the baltics as a rule reject in favour of Liberal capitalism.
Please stop using Fascism as short hand for late stage capitalism.