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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • You just gotta try to hang on. Life as you get older is a total question of wtf is going to happen next.

    I’m in one of those cycles.

    1. Covid
    2. Walked in on my dad almost dead from undiagnosed cancer and my childhood home trashed because everything fell apart when he was looking after my mom who has early onset dementia
    3. 2 weeks later my dad dies & I am visiting the hospital during the height of Covid. My mom has to live in the hospital and doesn’t know who I am anymore. She doesn’t know her husband died.
    4. Cancer scare. I think it will be fine? They’re still testing.
    5. Husband lost his job. I am the only breadwinner.
    6. Sister in abusive relationship with a severely mentally unstable husband who is spending all of their money. I fear every day he is going to kill her and their kids. She can’t kick him out of the house because he is on disability and can’t afford his own place.
    7. Substantial changes at my job leading to feelings of mega insecurity for me.

    Oh yeah and my mom isn’t even dead yet!

    But I’ve also had some really great experiences during this time that I wouldn’t trade for the world.

    If psychedelics are safe for you and you have no history of mental illness in your family I would strongly suggest that.