I would not recommend someone who does not know what they are doing replacing the DE, the process heavily varies depending on your current setup. If you want Ubuntu with KDE, just use Kubuntu.
I would not recommend someone who does not know what they are doing replacing the DE, the process heavily varies depending on your current setup. If you want Ubuntu with KDE, just use Kubuntu.
SteamVR runs terribly on Linux, Monado/WiVRn is pretty playable.
I prefer to drag my friends toward games without integrated rootkits. Better for them, better for me. Thankfully, there are plenty of games to choose from today.
If something does not work, mostly it either has a kernel level anticheat or it’s Adobe. I just learned to live without these, I think it’s for the best. You can even do VR on Linux nowadays!
Stuff like BSD, Minix, maybe some curios individuals on Solaris? For mobile, Symbian, Windows Mobile? Also, probably all that don’t report their OS in the user agent.
If someone didn’t learn enough trigonometry in school:
1+tan2c = cos2c/cos2c + sin2c/cos2c = (cos2c + sin2c)/cos2c = 1/cos2c;
sqrt(1/cos2c) = |sec c|
The reading of the answer is very similar to the word “sexy”, which makes the whole sentence a reference to the song “Sexy and I Know It” by LMFAO.
Not every distribution of Android have this, but it’s Android we are speaking about. There is a ton of good open source apps that do just that.
Check if Settings ➜ Account ➜ Show Post/Comment Scores is on. It’s an instance-side setting to hide the scores.
uninstalls the kernel package