Don’t all the big publishers do this though, or is Elsevier especially bad?
Don’t all the big publishers do this though, or is Elsevier especially bad?
Neat. Another paper reviewing fungal bioluminescence just came out on New year’s eve, and according to which there are 132 bioluminescent species known to date. More than I realized!
Link to the (open access) paper for anyone curious: https://www.mdpi.com/2309-608X/11/1/19
It’s easy to confuse the two because of how morphologically simple they are. Fun fact (or not depending on how much of a nerd you are), fungi that produce sticky droplets of spores on long stalks like this are often dispersed by arthropods, such as mites or springtails, which bump into the spore droplets as they walk along.
This looks more like Acremonium to me because the conidiogenous cells (the stalks producing droplets of spores at the tips) are very irregularly arranged. In Verticillium, the conidiogenous cells should be in whorls.
A very interesting instrument. The pedal notes especially are very resonant which adds a lot of character to the performance.
Legend has it Bach’s favorite instrument was the lautenwerck aka the lute-harpsichord. They are similar to the clavichord but have a rounded body, which gives the instrument a much softer tone. Bach supposedly owned 4. Here’s a short recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8z31MbF89-8