Because they want to play games and have fun
Because they want to play games and have fun
UE doesn’t get “near rebuilt from the ground up every major release”, that would be an absurd waste of time and resources every time. It’s being updated and iterated over, just like how CE is.
The problem here is that you don’t like Bethesda games and jumped on the bandwagon of armchair developers using the engine as a scapegoat, ignoring the fact that many other mainstream game engines are just as old or more.
Creation Engine is the least of Bethesda’s games problems, it’s their game design that’s the big issue and the reason why thinks are so bleak.
No, just like how the current Creation Engine version is not the same as the first one from 20 years ago.
Unreal Engine is 26 years old. id Tech is 30 years old. What’s your point?
So yeah, nobody cares about SMS/RCS