id start a nuclear war for a dorito
Uh… i think you misunderstood. I wasnt saying it would be a fight against China. I was saying it would be a fight against the US. I’m on Chinas side in this scenario.
I don’t think nukes will be held back as a last resort in the coming wars. I think they’ll be used quite liberally. So they wont really be a deterrent to invasion at that point. Also China is a lot better off in that regard then you might think. Actual ICBMs arent as big of a threat as the nuclear armed sub fleet the US has, and the Chinese have shown they have a very effective method of tracking these subs recently. Also as i said i think it’ll be a coalition. Im talking basically the entire world united against America by that point. This will probably be mid to late 2030s after the US has killed tens of millions and made an enemy of just about everyone. I even think Europe will eventually realize the US is their enemy and turn on it. It’ll need to screw them over a few more times first tho.
I actually think we will see the first nuke deployed soon. Within 2-3 years. Potentially in Yemen, or Gaza. My best guess is a US nuke given to the Saudis will be used in Yemen. Everyone will be outraged, say its a war crime, then nothing will happen to the Saudis, or US. Then it’ll happen again a year or 2 later. Until it just becomes normalized to drop them. I think they’ll be used quite a bit in the arctic. It would be a great way to break up ice so you can move navies through an otherwise impassable area.
WW3 is coming, and it wont end until 1 side is entirely defeated. Lots of people are going to die. I wouldnt be surprised if a couple billion did. It wont be pretty, but America being invaded and occupied is inevitable imo. Just like with the Nazis.
Let me be very clear and to the point.
The United States of America is a lost cause. The only cure to its blight is to destroy it.
We are in the early stages of a new holocaust. WW3 is coming within a decade. We are at the stage now where we need to be getting as many at risk people out of the US as possible. POC, Queer people, etc. Need to flee. All leftist orgs should be organizing to help them get somewhere safe.
Be very careful what you say and to who. Dont make yourself a target. Have good opsec. Publically be a MAGA lover and privately undermine them. The people who hid jews in their homes, the people who ran the underground railroad. If your not fleeing thats who you need to be.
Stay in shape and learn to shoot too. If they do find you out and come for you and its too late to escape take a few fascists out before they get you. and if your still kicking when a coalition probably led by China lands troops on American soil sometime in the 2030s im sure they wont mind the help.
America will lose the war. But it won this fight already. Dont die fighting a lost battle. Bide your time and help win the war.
As far as i know the rich billionaire who owned the company was told youll pay to finish building every home youve promised to people from your own pocket or youll rot in prison.
I also want to point out you are right to simply point out individual people who do incompetent things is not a material analysis, but what we can do is look materially at whether a system is setup in such a way that is encourages competence in its leadership or not in general.
Its an issue of how we view things. Everything that happens has a material reason for why it happened. The tough part is being able to dig into things, and find that root cause, and see it for what it is.
Is it not material? I think its a material reality of capitalism and the way it functions that it encourages power and wealth to be accumulated in the hands of a few people, this then encourages nepotism to ensure this accumulated power and wealth stays in the “in” group. Nepotism then leads over time to the people who hold all this power and wealth to be kind of incompetent.
This isn’t something that just happens randomly. Its a fundamental part of how capitalism functions. Its part of why its always failing so spectacularly. Shortsightedness and the inability to plan for long term goals.
Its the same issue that a system like monarchism had. You have these people born into massive wealth, everything is handed to them, and they never have to work for anything. Then theyre given tons of power. Of course they’d do stupid shit. Its inevitable.
It’s also actionable. Look at a country like China. They make sure the politicians there prove themselves, and work their way up from the bottom. This builds skills they need to later go on to take on larger roles. By doing this China ensures that its policymakers, and politicians are exceedingly competent. This can be seen in how they run circles around the west in basically every interaction.
I disagree. Great man theory talks about a whole society and implies everyone in each generation is that way. And that its like a natural cycle that happens over and over. Its bullshit.
This is more a natural consequence of nepotism. Its not that there arent plenty of really capable and smart Americans who could be running things. Its that all the rich assholes put their dumbass kids in positions of influence and then died leaving those dumbass kids in charge of everything.
People who dont have to work for things tend to both take those things for granted and not be as capable. So nepotism picks are usually pretty bad at their jobs compared to a merit hire. As nepotism becomes more and more acceptable, because the people in charge now are nepo babies themselves, the issue just becomes worse and worse.
Well i certainly wouldnt see the point in leaving the imperial core to go to another part of the empire.
Go into the workforce for a few years, and once you can get the full benefits from low-income assistance without it counting parental income go to college and take all the assistance you can in doing so. I think its at like 26? that parental income stops counting. Or marry someone that does it immediately. Or alternatively if you want take out tons of loans get a fancy degree then leave the country and never pay them back lol.
No your thinking too logically, and thinking about this scenario like its the real world at all. This hypothetical is so unrealistic that it changes all dynamics and makes things like that non-functional. You have to think about it from the perspective of all value, and all wealth derives from workers. So as soon as all workers are class conscious the rich stop being rich. You can’t reward cops, and politicians for serving you if the workers you need to use to reward them wont work.
Its not a realistic scenario at all, its like hitting a magic red button and dissolving capitalism instantly. Even 90% class consciousness works like how your describing because there are still mechanisms for the rich to reward their elites, but in a 100% scenario that all breaks down. If 100% of people had true class consciousness and just inherently knew how to make their material conditions better everyone would turn on the rich except the rich. Theres no logical reason at that point not to do so. Money literally becomes valueless, and every worker could go on strike and every other workers would support them. The reason the mechanisms to keep control of society by the rich work now is because they divide and conquer. If everyone stopped listening all at once there is no way to keep control. Its already over at that point.
if the cops were truly class conscious theyd know that theyd be better off not being the ruling classes dogs.
if EVERYONE was class conscious there wouldn’t be a need for a revolution. That would even include cops so we could just stop listening to the rich and ignore them lol. What are they gonna do about it in that imaginary scenario?
So ive actually spoken to people with huge lawns and said hey why dont you buy some fruit trees theyre like 50$ and you spend that on your lawncare every day pretty much. And they said nah i dont wanna have to clean up the fruit. … SO EAT IT? Also you have your grass cut like every 3 days how is that ok but picking up a few fruits isnt??