Because crystallography and solid state chemistry is the foundation of every modern convenience?
But it’s also beautiful. If they’ve never heard of Bravais-Friedel-Donnay-Harker, then you can’t really blame them for not knowing.
Because crystallography and solid state chemistry is the foundation of every modern convenience?
But it’s also beautiful. If they’ve never heard of Bravais-Friedel-Donnay-Harker, then you can’t really blame them for not knowing.
How did you design the pendant? I’ve been trying to cad out a signet ring, but my current effort-to-quality ratio is terrible.
The first lines from Neuromancer by William Gibson. What a pleasant surprise.
For anyone who feels this way after waking up from what should have been “enough” sleep, consider getting a home sleep test. Going from moderate sleep apnea to none was life-changing. If this is how you feel regularly, it doesn’t necessarily have to be this way.