what’s funny about this is that i didn’t call you an incel, you just assumed that when i said lemmy.world has cultivated a community of incels, that must include you (someone who isn’t even on their instance i might add)
i wonder why that is lmao
what’s funny about this is that i didn’t call you an incel, you just assumed that when i said lemmy.world has cultivated a community of incels, that must include you (someone who isn’t even on their instance i might add)
i wonder why that is lmao
If that were the case, why did you find fault at the assumed statement of “women lie about rape”? I didn’t say “all”. If you believed what you just wrote to be true, you wouldn’t have brought this up. The OP was a blanket statement that included me. For nothing other than having a penis. Also, don’t forget that one comment that implied this to me directly
because while saying “men” does not imply all men, the implication persists that it’s an issue coming from men as a demographic predominantly, which is a fact backed up by evidence. your accusation that women lie about their experiences has no basis in fact. it’s just a vibes-based point used by incels to discredit women speaking out against the horrors they face from, get this, MEN.
the whole point of this post and what every dumbass man in this thread seems to be missing is that murder and other forms of violence are mostly coming from one particular demographic, men. not any other demographic, and that’s why we single out men in particular. not because all men are doing it, but because men in general are doing it compared to everyone else. women don’t have to walk the streets in fear of women and i’m sure you understand that well.
i suppose when people talk about systemic racism being upheld by the police you come in and go “well not all cops are like that” as if that adds anything to the discussion at hand.
Defending myself being called a murderer is self-serving and makes me without empathy and women should be afraid of me. What?
in your initial post that i replied to, you were complaining that you’ve been equated to a murderer because someone told you “You are the man we are afraid of.” the reason for that is because you’ve come into a thread about women’s negative (and factual) experiences due to the violence of men, and tried to make it about your precious fee-fees. this happens in every single discussion women have about what they face online, men always come in and try to steer the conversation away from the original topic and make it about men. men who do this kind of thing show no empathy or compassion for what women face, and yes, that’s indeed frightening.
Then don’t exaggerate it. What does that have to do with me? Also, you are cultivating a bias in me right now, not unfounded. It does only include you, in case that makes you feel better.
my claims are not exaggerated because they’re backed up by evidence that suggests violence against women from men is a significantly large occurrence, large enough that women in general have to fear for their safety. like i said before, you’re drawing a false equivalency by comparing it to your claim that “women lie.” these are not equal issues in scope at all.
It is not, because the OP has none. Even though men murder women more often than women murder women (which is a statistical truth), this isn’t what was stated in the OP. “Men love to commit murder” was the OP. There is no fact stated. Definitely not a statistically backed one.
yup, it was written in a way that’s humorous and hyperbolic but the point was only lost on the dweebs in this thread who have no first-hand experience with what she’s talking about. i couldn’t say if the men who commit murder “love” to do it, but the fact remains that men do it, more than any other demographic, which is what the post is clearly trying to convey. i’m not sure how else you would interpret it unless you’re just being pedantic. “yeah, men are committing all these murders, but have you considered that they don’t actually love to do it like the OP said? :smuglord:” <- this is you
That is the intended feeling, yes. Incredibly bad delivery, a shitpost even, but yeah that’s it. Feel free to feel, I guess. yadda yadda yadda bad faith whatever
so you do understand the intention then, good. frankly, any shitpost that makes misogynists show their asses is a quality shitpost in my book. i haven’t been arguing in bad faith. i genuinely still stand by my point of view and while i don’t expect to convince any of the salty dudebros in this thread that they’re being problematic, i hope at least i can contribute a little bit to preventing the flow of disinformation, fallacies, and downright lies that make up MRA talking points. have a nice day.
Stop misrepresenting my arguments. I’m not saying men are murderers because men have murdered people in the past, it’s because to this day the people responsible for the most murders (and other violent crime toward women) are men. It’s specifically an issue with men!
I’ve also said everything I feel I need to. Frankly, I’m exhausted with you too. I hope you get a sense of perspective.
If I said cops are racist, would y’all really think I’m being biased against cops? After all, it’s not all cops. 🙄
Saying that men aren’t the cause of my problems when I’m talking about women’s experiences with violence against them from men. They aren’t my problems, but nevertheless I care about them.
whatever helps you sleep at night bro
When a particular demographic and no other demographic is doing a certain thing, it’s not incorrect to point out the said demographic is doing that thing. I really don’t know why this is so hard for you.
Hyperbole is exaggeration used for emphasis. When I say “fuckin’ none” I don’t mean literally zero, I mean an amount so indescribably tiny that it’s negligible. I hope that clears things up for you.
You don’t think this kind of rhetoric comes from a source? You’ve never heard of Ben Shaprio, Andrew Tate, and all the other misogynistic influencers taking the world by storm and promoting the anti-feminist views you and countless others are mindlessly repeating in this thread here? Even if you haven’t, I guarantee you’ve picked up some of this shit from someone who has. There’s no conspiracy, it’s just a matter of how disinformation spreads.
I have evidence for my claims, which deal entirely in facts detailing that men in particular are the ones statistically likely to commit violence against women, and that therefore the original post is correct in its assertion that “men are murderers”. Calling women sluts isn’t even something that can be backed by evidence because it’s just a misguided and misogynistic opinion on female sexual expression. There is no fact-based way to measure something like that.
You know, I’m beginning to think you aren’t arguing in good faith here.
I didn’t say they’re not capable of rape, I’m saying it’s statistically “fuckin’ none” (i should have said extremely improbable i suppose, but do I really need to explain hyperbolic language to you next?) that they’re going to rape your kids, unlike the infinitely more likely chance of men engaging in sexual violence toward women. Posting a single example of one transgender person committing rape does not negate that, and you have no reason to assert I don’t believe transgender people are people. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Men are being driven to the right because of propagandists like you parroting MRA and incel rhetoric that is designed to appear empathetic toward men’s issues (which are often everyone’s issues under the current status quo being presented as men-only issues) while steering them away from understanding the roots of (patriarchy) and solutions to (feminism) the problem.
If right wingers used statistics they wouldn’t come to the conclusions they do because reality has a left wing bias and statistics don’t back up their claims.
There is actual evidence of discrimination against racial minorities from the authorities, not discrimination against men, of whom the authorities are predominately comprised of. And as I said before, on the matter of violence against women, the authorities’ crime statistics are not the only evidence corroborating this. I’ve posted links to different sources throughout the thread if you care to look.
I think you must be assuming my gender because these are not my problems. I’m not a woman. I don’t need to be to speak out against discrimination against women from men. And I agree, we can’t fix this without the cooperation of men, of whom can hold other men accountable, because as you and many others in this thread have shown, men won’t listen to women about this at all.
You, in particular, are not being called a murderer, because the OP clearly says “men” and not “all men.” You are however contributing to the problem by being dismissive and making a discussion about women’s safety about you, which is why women should be afraid of you since you are clearly self-serving and have no empathy for and understanding of their plight.
Please explain to me how women talking about violence from men affects you personally. I can tell you how exaggerating your claim is harmful toward women, since because of the disproportionate violence and sexual abuse they face from men, they often find themselves having to speak on their experiences, and often aren’t believed thanks to unfounded biases like yours.
The difference is that your claim is grossly exaggerated to appear equal to the OP’s claim, which actually has statistic validity. The OP’s only mistake is specifying murder, which isn’t the only threat of violence at the hands of men a woman would potentially (and has a good chance of having to) face walking alone at night, but anyone who isn’t 12 should be able to understand the use of hyperbole in a motherfucking shitpost. The intention is clear. it is not safe for women because of violence from men.
Here are the statistics: https://rainn.org/statistics/scope-problem, https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/tables/table-42/table-42.xls, https://www.statista.com/statistics/251886/murder-offenders-in-the-us-by-gender/
Statistically, the number of transgender people who are going to rape your kids is fuckin’ none. The chances of you being murdered at night are slim but a lot less slim, enough so that everyone (but especially women as they’re often the targets of sexual violence) have to have to take it into consideration, and the ones doing it are almost entirely men. It becomes even less slim and downright common if you substitute murder with any other violence-based verb.
By choosing to ignore that men are the primary offenders of violence not just against women but in general, only viewing it as an individual failings, we won’t be able to make any progress toward remedying the actual problem at hand. Men are socialized under patriarchy, it gives many of them (not all of them and I’m tired of having to say this) a poor sense of emotional regulation and an even poorer view of women as equal human beings who are deserving of fair treatment. You’re the one who doesn’t want to understand, and your point of view services the unjust status quo that thinks that crime should be addressed after it’s committed rather than addressing the social conditions of the source.
It’s as though you’re plugging your ears and pretending inequality between men and women, and the issues that stem from that don’t exist.
Men are at fault though. Women aren’t the ones attacking women, men are. Almost entirely. Who are they therefore supposed to blame so that your fee-fees don’t get hurt? And for the last fucking time, “men” doesn’t mean all men including you.
No, because I also take into consideration the reasons for those statistics. Black people are demonstrably discriminated against and profiled by authorities, and are often suspected of, arrested and even convicted for crimes they did not commit.
The police, an entity dominated by men, do not unfairly discriminate against men. Men are actually committing these acts of violence against women, and we have non-police statistics that corroborate this, unlike the police statistics for racial minorities.
oh no don’t get me wrong, i fully believe that you are also a massive fuckin’ incel, i just thought it was funny that i made you show your ass all on your own accord. 'cause deep down you know you fit the description.