Eh. Tried to find that miraculous erogenous zone in the arse… nothing there. Not a yuck nor a yum. Just really did nothing for me.
Contrast would be nice.
This doesn’t read like an old person struggling with technology. Todd is killing it, actually.
Tough crowd. I liked it.
She’s a little danger noodle, not a full blown nope rope. 😄
Definition of a danger noodle. So cute. Thanks for the images!
Tonic sodas are very popular where malaria is endemic.
I think part of it is the forced displacement of the Trail of Tears moved them across several different biomes over several waves, cutting their access to their original ingredients.
Cut them up, let’s see what those spores look like.
No, it doesn’t crash because it doesn’t load anything at all. I guess mine fails worse.
The dude abides.
Not being proficient in a very specific area of knowledge that isn’t relevant to the broad public doesn’t make you dumb. Cheer up.
I’ve been called worse. Thanks for the link!
Edit: oh boy, lots of scientifically ruffled feathers there! I’ll make some popcorn.