• 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • We did some behind the scenes changes with the firewall setup which will make it easier to identify and block scraping attempts and other such abuses of our technical setup.

    Why is scraping being treated as abusive? I have actually been on the look out for a tool the scrape Lemmy servers so I can grab a copy of all my own messages, replies thereto, and parent messages of my comments. slrpnk can go down at any time. It would also be useful to be able to grep my own content to recall where I discussed something and to know where to expand on past discussions.

  • One other Lemmy instance is on 0.19.4, and that also has the same problem:

    Ungoogled Chromium: the create post form erases the fields after tabbing out of them. Tor Browser (firefox based): no issues with the create post form.

    Now slrpnk is on 0.19.5, along with two other Lemmy nodes I tested this on. The create post form is working in this version with Ungoogled Chromium.

    timeline selector broken

    There is another problem that was introduced with version 0.19.4 and still persists in 0.19.5: There are four possible timeline views: subscribed, local, all, moderator view. That selector is broken in Ungoogled Chromium 112 but not in Firefox-based browsers. In UC, I click “moderator view” and the button highlights as I click it, the page refreshes, but the selector does not stick. It is trapped in the “local” view and only shows the local timeline.

    This problem is replicated in other 0.19.4 and 0.19.5 instances.


    Actually there is still a problem with 0.19.4 w.r.t. post creation. And this affects Firefox too: if I use the cross-post feature to copy the post elsewhere, the form is populated just fine but then I have to search for the target community at the bottom of the form. As soon as I select the target community, the whole rest of the form clears. I have not yet tested this specific scenario in 0.19.5.

  • not sure what you mean by “doesn’t prevent using the function entirely.” Do you mean the function is available for those who install another browser? My current theory is that the create post function is 100% broken for Ungoogled Chromium users, but probably operational for people running 3rd party clients or Firefox. Considering Ungoogled Chromium is based on the single most popular browser (Chromium), vanilla Chromium users are probably also impacted, which seems serious.

    The form should probably display a loud warning about this. Someone might opt to write the body of their post as a very first step, before the title. They could put a substantial effort into writing a long text and then see it all vanish the instant they click the title field. Nothing is worse than seeing one’s work thrown away like that.

    I would roll back to the previous version if there is no fix for this.

    (edit) Are there any stats kept on user agent strings? It might give a clue on the number of users affected.

    (edit2) history

    I guess it’s worth noting a bit of history. For quite some time (maybe a year or more) Ungoogled Chromium did not work on any Lemmy site for me. Tor Browser did. After upgrading a couple months ago, UC worked on all Lemmy sites. But now Lemmy is dysfunctional again on 19.4. Works fine on Lemmy 19.3.

  • Antiwork means the revolutionary abolition of the world of work and all that entails: a waged-labor

    BBC World News recently covered a trend of employees quitting the conventional style of work. These workers reject the culture of breaking one’s back bending over backwards to satisfy their boss’s every wish. The concept is for workers to put their own well-being above the corporate bottom line, which generally means forgoing¹ promotions, raises and advancement in the company because it’s just not worth it. To own the work, and work at a comfortable pace and comfortable fashion.

    I don’t recall what term they used for this trendy new view, but “antiwork” could be taken to be a more general concept that covers the extremes of complete abolition of work as well as the less extreme concept of simply rejecting unwanted excessive overwork. Before reading your post I would have assumed “antiwork” would include “antiworkmyassoff”.

    ¹ by “forgoing” I don’t mean rejecting offers, but just accepting that promotions and significant raises won’t typically be offered.

  • For the past few days, the “create post” form is usually broken. After entering a title I hit tab to the next field and the title is instantly erased upon shifting the focus to another field. The form is unfillable.

    I was able to post once after this behavior started for no apparent reason. No idea how to reproduce that.

    It’s worth noting that submitting comments in existing posts is not a problem.

    Browser: Ungoogled Chromium 112

    (edit) after more thought, I think that one time I was able to post was probably done using Tor Browser, not UC.

  • What’s interesting about this is #LemmyWorld uses Cloudflare, and CF was involved in a CP scandal. You might be tempted to report the CP to Cloudflare, but it’s important to be aware of how CF handles that. CF protected a website that distributed child pornography. When a whistle blower reported the illegal content to CF, CF actually doxxed the people who reported it. Cloudflare revealed the whistle blowers’ identities directly to the dubious website owner, who then published their names and email addresses to provoke retaliatory attacks on the whistle blowers! Instead of apologizing, the CEO (Matthew Prince) said the whistle blowers should have used fake names.

  • activistPnk@slrpnk.netOPtoShoplifting@slrpnk.netlifting expired food
    6 months ago

    To a capitalist, there is no good shoplifting.

    You’ve misunderstood the thesis of the post.

    Nobody’s going to check the expiration dates on what you stole before arresting you.

    Only cops can make an arrest where I am and there is only an occasional security contractor at the shops.

    You don’t think the moment store staff sees and reacts that I will be able to get a word in edgewise about the date before police are even called? You don’t think the value of stolen goods is relevant when a judge enters a judgment?

    You took stuff off their shelves that they could have sold

    Nonsense. Not in the face of the law.

    I once asked if I could get the zero waste pricing on something that was a day past expiry. They confiscated the food from me and told me they cannot sell it to me. Don’t you think it might be illegal for a grocer to knowingly and willfully sell expired food? Do you think they would actually try to present as an argument to a judge that they could have sold something that expired?

    In the US, I once discovered I bought several things that expired and brought it back because I was not happy to pay regular price for expired food. They would not negotiate a markdown but took it all back and refunded the price I paid times two, and the CSR asked me to bring her to where that item was so she could remove the other expired packages.

    come on, do you really think stores pull expired product the day it expires?

    It’s not a conspiracy. You either have an absurd amount of confidence in their competency or an unrealistic and unhealthy presumption of malice toward customers by min wage workers just trying to get through their day. I’ve seen enough to know that they pull items when they notice. I sometimes see them carting off food and marking down food near expiry. They don’t have an inventory system that tracks expiration dates and sends notifications. This isn’t Wal·Mart – It’s a manual human effort to check all those dates which are not well visible. The reason food makes it to the date of expiry is because they sometimes miss things days earlier that they need to mark down 30%. I’m not sure how to convince you there is no conspiracy. They are busy. I never see them standing around or idling.

  • dedicating an entire community to the stance seems a bit much

    That’s crazy talk. There are so many dynamics to non-voting that I’m not even convinced that 1 community is enough. This one community has to accommodate:

    • advocacy of not voting (Anarchy promotion)
    • problems voting & countless forms of voter suppression (my situation)
    • voter turnout discussions and consequences of not voting in nations where voting is obligatory (Belgium and Australia)
    • hopelessness of voting in regions where voting merely legitimizes dictatorships (China, Russia)
    • alternatives to voting (e.g. consumer actions)
    • Non-voting as a means to compel positive change (e.g. 97,000 Michigan dems and pro-Palestinians threatening to not vote unless Biden changes his policy in Israel)

    I’m not an anarchist but found it interesting to read their rationale for opposing voting and elections.

    I’m personally very pro-voting

    Then you should be very interested in the 2nd bullet. There are LOT of non-voters in the US and it leads to scumbags taking power (e.g. 2016 POTUS). You should want to see people discussing the low voter turnout problem that helps the republicans.

  • Tipping via terminal → NEVER. Even if you get table service.


    1. There is a #WarOnCash underway. So even if you make the ethically absent minded decision to pay for your food electronically, the least you can do is pay the tip in cash. (the war on cash is war on privacy)
    2. Electronic tips are also subject to siphoning off by banks. When you tip by card, you also tip Visa, Mastercard, or whatever scumbag credit network is in play because their fee is a percentage of the whole transaction. The electronic transaction may be free to you but it’s not free to the business. I don’t know if the restaurant pays the whole fee and transfers 100% of the tip to the server, or if the server shares the hit. But if this is not McDonalds but some small local business, it’s better to give the full amount to the business anyway.
    3. Data protection: when you tip electronically, that creates a record not just attached to you but to the server. If you respect /their/ privacy by way of data minimization, you tip in cash.
    4. Environmental protection: banks are lousy for the environment. (ref: Banking on Climate Chaos and bank blacklist)
    5. Terminal tipping is a swindle (esp. in Europe). Tipping is not only optional in the most pure meaning of the word (not expected), but tipping amounts are lower in Europe meant purely to indicate service quality. Even a tip of €1 is a complement. But terminals suggest American proportions (e.g. 20%). It’s a scam. I think I’ve only seen this in tourist traps. The ownership is happy to make their staff happy by pushing a tip request in a way that deceives the public into thinking it’s out of their hands… that the technology is asking for the tip. This fucked up scam is training restaurant patrons to overtip w.r.t. the culture (a culture that the locals don’t want to drift into Americanism). In the US it’s not exactly a swindle, but you have less control over the amount nonetheless. Sure most people like the math-free convenience but IMO that does not justify it. And certainly the ~15—25% amounts are excessive when there was no table service.
    6. Sometimes servers pool their tips to then tip a portion to the kitchen staff who did well enough to make the servers look good. Cash tips make that go smoothly. I was once in a rare situation where I needed to pay by card and I also wanted cash back. The server explained to me they do not give cash back because of that tip pooling that they do, saying that sometimes they do not get enough cash tips to properly treat the kitchen staff.

    I think your main question is whether to tip or not. But it’s an easy snap decision to always tap NO on the terminals. In the days where you get a receipt to sign, on the tip line I would always write “cash”. (not just signal to the server but to also prevent a malicious server from turning a “0” into a “10”)

    In any case, you still need to decide whether to tip at all. I would say generally: no table service + it’s pickup (not delivery)→ no tip. But as others said, case-by-case basis. Maybe there’s a partially full tip jar you can toss a dime or nickel into and staff just hears a /ping/.