This is a mixture of oxides, hydroxides, and nonoxidized iron chunks and who knows what else. Also probably some chlorine gas to breath in.
This is a mixture of oxides, hydroxides, and nonoxidized iron chunks and who knows what else. Also probably some chlorine gas to breath in.
What if we apply negative pressure?
This should promote matrix, not signal
So ok, these are just quasiparticles. Yes, we could have quasiparticles that behave like actual particles. Yes, it’s just an abstraction. Yes, we can go batshit crazy in abstraction space and come up with anything.
This reminds me how some folks in ScientificAmerican modeled black hole with a vortex in water and found supersonic wave, which brought them to conclusions about possibility of passing through event horizon in actual black hole. bah.
In other words, when do I get some money to build a quantum quasiparticle computer and finally hack elliptic cryptography?
Though, as Rice alumni, can’t deny still always awesome publicity of that university.
I make and sell mucrocloning kits in anticipation to see this happen
Oh, sure, let’s maybe keep them in hands of governments and corporations, those always behave responsibly, right?
Awesome, I should totally start making these things too and place them in my microcloning and brewing yeast webstore. This dude is a hero of our biopunk culture, weird that I haven’t heard about this before!
some Greek root for bottom, used, for example, in “abyss”, sounds totally chtonic.
That’s mixing greek and latin.
Geonauts? Buthonauts?
Just to be safe you might consider replasing chloride with sulfate.
Sure this is great way to make thermite or anything that does not exactly care about oxidation state, that part I can confirm.
Furthermore, you are close to iron(6) synthesis here using drain cleaner. Yield would be even lower, but fun is worth it. Be careful though, when literature states it blows up, they mean it.