I’m certainly not against anything. After doing some more searching and looking I’m realizing that for the vast majority of my network, 1g speeds are fine. It’s the truenas and proxmox hosts that I really want to have 2.5/5/10g speeds.
So I think I could get away with something like an 8port 10g switch that I have as the storage layer and then use my 1g switches for all else.
If I’m thinking this through properly, if my opnsense router is on one of those proxmox nodes and is connected at 10g speed, then the router no longer becomes the bottleneck for like 90%+ of my vlan traffic because most of it is going between those nodes above.
I’ll take a look at the microtik and see what might fit the bill.
Thank you
Yeah I think that this would help immensely by going with a smaller 10gb switch for the “core” network and then having all the lower bandwidth needs on larger switches. I think that’ll end up with a better experience overall.