So you think he doesn’t have a lot of support anymore in Ukraine?
Well, you can ask the people getting kidnapped by his regime how much they support him. Or their family. Lots of people are afraid to leave their homes, others always carry a few thousands dollars to bribe kidnappers into not kidnapping them. That shit is so fucked up it’s unreal. He is only supported by people who think (whether correctly or not) that it will not happen to them.
In the news coverage in our country they basically think everyone supports him and he is the legitimate president. In the EU he is almost worshiped.
I know, I live here as well. It’s so fucked up. But at least with Trump’s administration it’s not taboo anymore to talk about all that shit anymore.
That would be awesome solution if it were true :)
If you support other people being forced into war, why shouldn’t you be forced there as well? Tit for tat.