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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I hope you get better soon. Is there any sort of cheap yet good insurance you would qualify for, based on e.g your location, disabilities, income, or anything?

    I must admit I don’t know a whole lot about the whole system (though a fair bit more than your average European), but I do know there are cases where you can get good health insurance for cheap. Though I’m sure you’ve already looked into what your options are.

  • Learned English as my second language instead.

    Yeah it’s broken, but y’all have tenses that sorta make senses (in Estonian we have present and past - future is implied by context!) and you don’t need 14 noun cases because y’all have prepositions.

    At the same time, English borrows words from over 9000 different languages, nothing is pronounced the way it’s written, and to be quite honest, I never bothered learning any of the rules in school. The rule for ordering adjectives so they wouldn’t sound off was impossible to remember, but because I’ve been terminally online since I was like 7, it just came naturally.

    TL;DR: English is a great language to just know natively, horrifying one to learn systematically.

  • Religion, capitalism. Powerful groups want more people to have more children.

    Luckily I’m in a progressive enough country that even in school we were taught that masturbation is a thing and not necessarily bad.

    As for negative effects - if you do it TOO much, particularly with a very strong grip, then don’t be surprised if, when having actual intercourse, you’re just not feeling much and might be unable to reach orgasm. You might even be uninterested in your partner sexually. A few days without masturbation will fix it though, doesn’t seem to be permanent. Day 2 without doing it and I couldn’t keep my eyes (or hands) off my wife’s body.

    Sex was very infrequent for me and my wife in the last few months of her pregnancy, so that’s how I know. Soon as we started doing it on a somewhat regular basis again, I opted to quit jerking it because I wanted to enjoy the real thing more, even if it’s not every single day. No long-term negative effects that I’ve noticed.

  • I know I suck at picking up on hints, unless it’s someone I know very well - and even then I suck at it. I’m honestly just sorta scared that if I mistake a non-hint for a hint, then I’ll ruin a great friendship or something.

    However, there once was this one woman who made it fairly obvious she was attracted to me and, after a few dates, said something to the tune of “we’re going back to your place now, or this isn’t going to work out”. So anyway, we’re married now. Half the time her “hint” when she wants to have sex is asking me why I still have underwear on. Of course sometimes things still progress there naturally, but then she also makes it fairly obvious if she’s truly in the mood.

    Point of the story is, ladies, if you really like the man, feel like he likes you too, and he’s not getting your hints, don’t be afraid to be direct. Sure guys like the chase too, but to have a woman straight up tell you that she’s really into you and feels a special connection with you that she’s never felt before? It’s just such a beautiful experience… There’s just so much I’ll never forget, even if our ways were to be parted one day.