I can sniff you from afar

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2022


  • “Is a cookie still worth its labor if it’s burnt? Is a pie worth the labor if it’s a shit pie?”

    Then the capitalist and their appointed labor managers will scold the laborer to get it right and stop wasting resources to make actual use value (a commodity with actual use) to realize its exchange value through sale, and the laborer, on average, will either comply or join the reserve army of labor; the jobless corps/unemployment for slop shoddy work.

    Remember, commodities, under capitalism, need to produced en masse for mass profit; this is why industrial society was made. And use value, especially through perfection of commodities, ensures those products are sold; this is why production is standardized by machinery.

    Unless ofc, burnt stuff is what ppl want, like others say


    Note: Just to be sure, let’s say 8 hours of commodities or even service are done by labor. The laborer gets a partial share, perhaps 4 hours of value, and the capitalist gets the other half.

    Labor share (wages) are variable capital (to sustain their lives) with 4 hours in this case

    Capitalist share are surplus value (profit, rent, interest, whatever you call it, that turns original money > value of commodities (expansion occurs when such is sold) > expanded money) with 4 hours on the other

    You even still can imagine this in monetary terms, but hours more or less standardize the concept a bit (though wage/hour only represents partial share of the full commodity value, to clarify)