• 7 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 20th, 2023


  • No.

    I could leave my house right now, go and meet a girl, develop a long term relationship and I wouldn’t be happy. As it is not for everybody.

    I get engrossed in my hobbies, and it’s not fair to put other people through that if I’m going to ignore them for a week because I decided I wanted to build a drone and obsess over it.

    I don’t understand why you would think like you do. As if everybody on earth wants to be intimate with someone else and anybody that doesn’t is broken in some way.

    Don’t confuse me being passionate about this topic as anger. I’m passionate because you’re fundamentally wrong and I don’t want other people seeing this, those who haven’t matured yet, and thinking they have to conform to what people like you believe as it’s simply not true.

    I’ve said numerous times I don’t live in solitude. I finished work yesterday at 17:00 and was at my friends house with 6 others until 02:00. I woke up today, took a car for a test drive then went to town to join a protest and was chatting with many people. I’ve just been to my parents for dinner and I’m about to go to another friends with another 4 people. Just because I don’t want to live with someone or have an intimate relationship doesn’t mean I’m a recluse.

    Perhaps your situation is different and you’re too socially inept to find someone, but don’t project that on to the rest of us. If you ever come to Manchester I’d love to socialise with you and show you around.

  • A mountain of conjecture here my friend.

    Faking extroversion in work isn’t indicative of my whole life.

    I’ve had decades being social with my large group of friends, and I quite enjoy socialising, it’s just as a natural introvert I might need more alone time as it can be tiring.

    I never said all my relationships have been shit. Sometimes I’ve been the shit partner. And I haven’t given up, I’ve realised that what makes me happy is my current lifestyle and I don’t have to conform to what society believes is normal.

    Perhaps you should take an introspective look at why you would write the previous comment and wonder if there is something in your own life that you’re projecting.

    I would never come at someone for their choice of being in a relationship, an open relationship, or whatever unconventional thing they’re into as I respect people’s choices and I assume people are being honest with others as I was in my first comment.

    Also, I never said I can’t form meaningful connections, I’ve a group of about 20 friends that I’ve had many since 25 years ago. I make new friends and we have a ball. Male and female alike.

    Do you think that everybody single is just waiting for the right person? Do you not believe you can be happy single?

  • Wait. So a bird for instance might see something different?

    Are there sections of the visible light spectrum we can see in the sky too that we can’t see because we are at the wrong angle? Like is that why we are always at the centre of the rainbow?

    I still don’t understand how it forms the whole ring though. Like I could understand a sliver of it, but not really grasping how it can span such a distance or if it’s from a particular drop or many drops.

  • I just subbed to all three of those.

    I find half the battle here is finding new places to sub to. I’ll browse all but always forget to sub to new ones I see.

    I think for sports, it’s difficult as it seems most of us early adopters here are, well let’s say nerdier than the average, and as a rule tend to follow sport less.

    Even me, I wouldn’t go out of my way to watch sport, aside from the olympics. But as an introvert that had a shitty home life I learnt quickly how to be a fake extrovert and thus had a lot of friends and so got surrounded by sport and stuff.

  • I could list a few.

    • Christmas when I was about 10 I found out my dad wasn’t really my dad. Thanks nana. The man who raised is my dad to me still.
    • Leading on from the last one. Later in life my biological father got in touch and giving it all the life complicated spiel. I was indifferent but figured sure I’ll meet. Turns out he was back with my mum and now I’m back at home and he ain’t ever act like a dad, and now he doesn’t see if other daughters since he got back with my mum. Dudes a joke.
    • as you might have noticed I’ve had a tumultuous childhood. Mum spent my formative years flipping between my non-bio dad and the man who I have a half brother with, who I ain’t seen in 30 years. So I spent the time sat in the back of a car whilst she called men to her friend or went in pubs to pour pints on their head.
    • one time we came home and saw burglars robbing our flat. Probably something to do with my half brothers dad.
    • one time as a young adult, the man that raised me was out getting drunk in his mates house. My mum made me break the door down and she went in all guns blazing grabbing a golf club and going ham.
    • Fell in a canal at night off my box on Xanax and thought I might die. Threw out my stashed and literally nearly died from withdrawals.
    • surprising not been assaulted many times cause I used to be a righteous mouthy cunt when drunk, i don’t drink at all as I saw how it broke my dad, well my mum did but alcohol didn’t help.
    • watched as my mum and dad had a loveless marriage and at the start he used to hit her, then later she bullied his ass for decades. Like take his wages and refuse him money for cigs.
    • on way to school vacation and got told my dad was going prison for driving drunk whilst banned.
    • saw my tea dumped on her head.
    • it’s all coming back now. One time my dad tried to drive the car into our house but it got stuck in the bushes.

    That’s just a few, but yeah it’s no wonder I’m fucked, not an excuse as I’ve made progress and got a good job now. Not sure I’m happy but I’ve just shut off the stuff I grew up around as what else can I don