Mostly just used for moderation.

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  • 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • Not sure where to post this. Sometimes (in ways that are difficult to replicate), I get a JSON response for a reddthat post in my browser instead of an HTML one. It’s happened before on mobile (Chrome) and today also desktop (MS Edge), so I was able to make a screenshot:

    I’m assuming it’s related to 0.19.4, but maybe others have seen this behaviour before the upgrade. Apologies if you’re already aware - I had a quick look for other mentions but didn’t find any.

  • Well, there’s good news and bad news.

    The good news is that Lemmy is now surrounding your spoilers with the expected Details and Summary tags, and moving the HR means PieFed is able to interpret the Markdown for both spoilers.

    The bad news:
    It turns out KBIN doesn’t understand Details/Summary tags (even though a browser on it own does, so that’s KBIN’s problem).
    Neither PieFed, or KBIN, or MS Edge looking at raw HTML can properly deal with a list that starts at ‘0’.
    Lemmy is no longer putting List tags around anything inside the spoilers. (so this post now looks worse on KBIN. Sorry about that KBIN users)

  • Firstly, sorry for any potential derailment. This is a comment about the Markdown used in your post (I wouldn’t normally mention it, but consider it fair game since this is a ‘Fediverse’ community).
    The spec for lemmy’s spoiler format is colon-colon-colon-space-spoiler. If you miss out the space, then whilst other Lemmy instances can reconstitute the Markdown to see this post as intended, Lemmy itself doesn’t generate the correct HTML when sending it out over ActivityPub. This means that other Fediverse apps that just look at the HTML (e.g. Mastodon, KBIN) can’t render it properly.
    Screenshot from kbin:

    Also, if you add a horizontal rule without a blank line above it, Markdown generally interprets this as meaning that you want the text above it to be a heading. So anything that doesn’t have the full force of Lemmy’s Markdown processor that is currently trying to re-make the HTML from Markdown now has to deal with the ending triple colons having ‘h2’ tags around it.
    Screenshot from piefed:

    (apologies again for being off-topic)

  • A bug report for software I don’t run, and so can’t reproduce would be closed anyway. I think ‘steps to reproduce’ is pretty much the first line in a bug report.

    If I ran a server that used someone else’s software to allow users to download a file, and someone told me that every 2nd byte needed to be discarded, I like to think I’d investigate and contact the software vendors if required. I wouldn’t tell the user that it’s something they should be doing. I feel like I’m the user in this scenario.

  • I can’t re-produce anything, because I don’t run Lemmy on my server. It’s possible to infer that’s it’s related to the software (because LW didn’t do this when it was on 0.18.5). However, it’s not something that, for example, does. An admin on LW matrix chat suggested that it’s likely a combination of instance configuration and software changes, but a bug report from me (who has no idea how LW is set up) wouldn’t be much use.

    I’d gently suggest that, if LW admins think it’s a configuration problem, they should talk to other Lemmy admins, and if they think Lemmy itself plays a role, they should talk to the devs. I could be wrong, but this has been happening for a while now, and I don’t get the sense that anyone is talking to anyone about it.

  • Lemmy let’s you un-delete anything you’ve deleted, so nothing really gets nuked (it seems to be the way these things work anyway, that it’s just a ‘deleted’ flag that’s flipped between true and false).

    On the one hand, it’s a Lemmy problem - I can see you’re comment using the API:

    curl --request GET \
         --url '' \
         --header 'accept: application/json'
      "comment_view": {
        "comment": {
          "id": 8986376,
          "creator_id": 399371,
          "post_id": 13748490,
          "content": "See what i mean? I deleted this!",
          "removed": false,
          "published": "2024-03-31T09:48:22.897008Z",
          "deleted": true,
          "ap_id": "",
          "local": true,
          "path": "0.8986376",
          "distinguished": false,
          "language_id": 37

    But there’s also a bug with Sync in that it’s not checking the flag if someone try to reply.

  • Hi

    Pls check how much traffic you’re now sending out for every activity - my server is recording that everything from is being 4 times (e.g. 1 Upvote is sent 4 times to every instance that has a subscriber. Those instances will reject 3 of them for being dupes, but it’s still a lot to be sending out). had a problem where they were sending everything 3 times, and it was because they were running 3 containers, and they all had the same index number, so maybe it’s that.
