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Joined 22 days ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2024


  • There’s been no rulings granting a transgender rights greater than another. It’d have been global news, the consequences of which would still be cascading through the judicial system.

    So, when this transgender person was granted what may have been, after an arduous battle, equality in one situation, you disagreed.

    What defines humans from other animals is complex communication and it’s derivatives. I need not know the transgender person, be transgender myself, or even have a gay friend to feel basic human sympathy and empathy for them. That’s the minimum human response: neutrality, equality. Anything less is animalistic hatred.

    Edit: I’ve passed judgement on just this perspective you hold, not on you as a person. If I didn’t believe you valuable I’d not have invested the time to explain why I expect more and believe you capable.

  • There’s a big difference between “I wouldn’t choose that,” and “They should be prevented by force from choosing that.”

    What you’re looking for is a hate group. You can advocate not just judicial rulings limiting the freedom of minority groups, but for disposing of the minorities once and for all. If that’s too extreme then you’ll just need to tolerate them. Be better than those that didn’t tolerate your hatred.

  • I feel like the only “real” relationship I have is with my wife. Friends I think are close distance themselves if I begin a conversation with something personal and nuanced enough to be meaningful and engaging.

    We both felt like this for quite awhile. And, we soon reasoned that we were about the perfect people in the perfect situation to answer: Where does a collectivist sense community still exist? The answer appears incredibly simple: Forty to sixty minutes from the closest Walmart.

    In twenty five years you’ll be thanking her because you know what the fuck the news just said. But, today, I can only imagine the torture.

  • Right now my landlord isn’t owning a gigantic series of mistakes. You made my day by owning a very small one.

    I think this is much more positive and productive than what the other conversation became.

    If the long day has been online, I suggest talking to someone about any subject IRL, in person or on the phone. A little human stuff puts all this digital bullshit right back into perspective for me.

  • web design or legal compliance or social media marketing

    Fuck all that. It’s not needed.

    They need someone with strong reading comprehension, who can consistently reason their way from an ideology to the specific situation, then write professionally. Mods work the collective que of reports independently.

    If you don’t want the gig no one one is owed an explanation. But, please don’t judge yourself underqualified for the wrong reasons.

  • Put a 12V to 24V inverter just inside the firewall. This will isolate the “noisy” vehicle power system from the more fragile solar panel and power bank. It won’t be nearly as expensive as an inverter that can survive the engine bay.

    The 24V output of the inverter should be wired in parallel with one or several 24V solar panels, then into the power bank input. In this configuration the vehicle power system and solar system can charge the power bank simultaneously. No action is needed to change between power modes. However, you should have a main cutoff switch, disconnecting all power from the power bank.

    I highly recommend a Victron brand inverter.

    Warning: Direct current (DC) systems present an extreme fire danger. Every wire must be the correct gauge, every fuse the right size, every crimp correct. No piece of the puzzle is difficult. But, one must have all of them to build a safe and reliable system.