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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • I’m on year 2 of the game, and rarely notice bugs. There’s this arena boss fight you can do, my wife died and teleported outside the area, but her crossbow shots traveled infinitely and could still damage the same boss I was stuck in the arena with. Random stuff like that, certainly nothing game breaking, no crashes or anything.

    Compared to Stardew Valley, it’s much more heavy on quests. SV has some basics, but it’s pretty much just build the community center, upgrade your house, get married, etc. It’s also much heavier on skill progression. You’ll eventually use magic for nearly everything if you (mining, tree harvesting, watering, fishing, etc.).

    Sun Haven also has 3 different towns, all roughly the size of Stardew Valley (the main town is bigger though).

    Which leads me into my only real complaint. You will have a farm in all 3 towns, with their own houses, crops, barn animals, and quests. If you play alone, it’s kind of a lot to manage. It’s just my wife and I that play, but if I played on my own, I would probably only focus on one town at a time, which feels weird. I’d rather the game introduce something like a familiar that can slowly take care of things while I’m gone doing other stuff.

  • kyle@lemm.eetoMemesYou Compete Against the Classics
    1 month ago

    Jade City is actually amazing. I feel for her, but bookstores are just gonna present the most popular because they’re trying to make money. Bookstores cooler than B&N might have a “like that, try this” kind of thing which would get attention.

    Tolkien and Jordan also have recent TV shows, which definitely influence what books the stores will display.

    Quick edit to say if you want a good fantasy book written by a woman, try Jade City.

  • Primarily turning off all notifications for them, and removing/hiding the app icons. I pretty much only consumed social media on my phone.

    By removing the shortcuts on my phone, it broke the muscle memory of just opening my phone and blindly going to Facebook or IG. It was very tough for about a week, where I would catch myself and then just put my phone down but it’s all I could think about, like I was addicted to cigarettes and getting a smoke was all that was on my mind.

    This was a few years ago. I’ve gotten a little lax on it, but I definitely don’t fall into the same pit as before. A buddy of mine still regularly sends me tiktoks and I’ll go weeks without checking it.