Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.
Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.
All posts can be commented on, so IMO all posts are also threads. Mbin just calls text posts threads for some reason.
Under the hood, the only mandatory field is the title. In addition to that, you can use either the url field, or the text field, or both.
If there is no link, it’s a text post. If there is a link, it’s a link post (but there can still also be text), if the link is a direct link to a media file (picture or video) then it’s a media post (which can also still also have text).
Revolt has better feature parity with discord.
If all you’re looking to do is replace discord with a friend-group who is already on board, it’s ideal.
For gaming-related use cases, matrix isn’t there yet. It doesn’t noise gate voice calls, or support audio chat rooms, just to mention a few things.
Your post is a text post, with the link in the post body.
They are asking you to make it into a link post, that links to the article.
Copy the link from text field, into the url field.
What you’re saying is, that you’ll only accept that I’m sick if you genuinely hear absolutely nothing from me because I’m either dead or completely incapacitated, and then only show up later after recovering?
I can work with that.
Yeah I’ve had a thing where it grabs the wrong image in a multi-image pixiv post.
Also, memory foam pillows.
Never using anything else.
Stark, however, never found that out, having been dead for hundreds of years when she finally realized it was a phase.
Current artificial hearts are not intended to be long-term solutions, but instead be a temporary way to keep someone alive when their heart fails, but a donor heart is unavailable.
There is
Unfortunately started seeing some with just a random string for the username. The display name can still be “Nicole”.
I woke up to three Nicoles from three different accounts, once.
I’d take a backup, first, and then just send it. Then, if that doesn’t work out, do it the hard and slow way.
Same in finnish. “Ylihuomenna” where “yli” means over and the rest is tomorrow.
Even better, just say “green Mario”
Can’t fool me! Thats the wrong format for communities. It should be !
Ah yes.
An emerging type of criminal, ones that have never done crime before, and hence their behaviour can’t be predicted…
As if every criminal ever didn’t have a first crime.
Plus, people acting themselves until they finally reach a breaking point isn’t “new” human behaviour.
You’re definitely not the only one, since you’re not gonna notice the other people keeping it to themselves, because they’ll be keeping it to themselves.
That said, some people just… Don’t. And learning that level of self-control is hard. If you don’t have the skill, feelings can seem uncontrollable and inevitable. Confronting such a person with a request that they do something (control themselves) you know is possible, but they think isn’t, often leads to bad results. Instead, you need to trick them into learning the art. That is, if they aren’t so bad they straight up need anger management classes.
Apologizing after the fact is something we who actively consider others, and think about what the world is like for people other than ourselves, do naturally. But some people completely lack internal thoughts concerning anyone aside from themselves.
It doesn’t automatically mean they are selfish (though it often coincides with that) but it does mean someone might have to remind them that they owe you or someone else a courtesy, because otherwise they simply won’t realize.
People tend to react better if you ask them to apologize to someone else, than if you ask them apologize to you. If a person like this was difficult with someone else, too, you might first suggest to them that they give them and apology, instead of you. “Hey, I know you didn’t mean that outburst, but I think it really bothered insert person, you should say something to take it back.” You might not get an apology out of them for yourself this way, but it will put the thought in their heads, that when they lose control, they will cause lingering feelings that will need addressing afterwards.
Some will react badly even then, insisting the insulted party needs to “grow a pair, and shrug it off, it’s not like I meant it”. They’re not necessarily a lost cause, they might still mull it over and experience guilt they might not have had you said nothing. I once successfully made this point to my mother. Instead of apologizing to me, she was telling me I can’t take every word she says to heart, she’ll say hurtful things when angry, but not really mean them. To this I responded, that she is my mother. To me, her words feel like truth, even when I know they aren’t, because I love and respect her too much to just shrug off what she said.
If the person being difficult is normally very pleasant, or in a respected position, you might make a similar argument.
Personally, when people seem out of control for reasons unrelated to me, I will literally say that, out loud. Something like “You are being difficult/rude/loud for some reason, we can’t talk like this, we should resume this conversation after you take a moment”. But this is tricky if it’s someone I’m supposed to defer to, rather than the other way around.
If they don’t take that que to apologize once they’re back to being cordial, I might comment something like “I know I wasn’t the reason you got mean, but I’d still like to hear you confirm that you didn’t intend it”.
Once you start getting apologies, you might start having conversations about not taking it out on people in the first place, these conversations (and any real talk, really) need to take place while the person is calm, and likely to actually think about what you’re saying. Again, don’t present something they might feel is an impossible task, frame it so that it’s something they’ll feel is doable. Suggest they find an alternate way to deal with the feelings, that doesn’t target a person, but make sure to mention you don’t know exactly how that’s done. You might mention stuff that works for you, for reference, but ultimately it’s a skill every person kinda has to figure out for themselves.
Or go to therapy, for.
It definitely does.
Matrix does not have audio rooms. You can start a group video call in a text group chat, in some clients.
It currently does not compare well with discord functionality.