Eskating cyclist, gamer and enjoyer of anime. Probably an artist. Also I code sometimes, pretty much just to mod titanfall 2 tho.

Introverted, yet I enjoy discussion to a fault.

  • 106 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • They’re literally just trying to be helpful, while perhaps preventing unwarranted reduction in visibility for a given type of content.

    Blocking is one of the tools you have to curate your feed, downvoting is not. Votes are essentially crowd-sourced curation of everyone’s feeds.

    Them turning their votes off, wont help you avoid the content you don’t want, nor remove your potentially misguided impact on everyone else’s feeds.

    This admin is literally doing you, and everyone else, a kindness. They are trying to maximize everyone’s experience on lemmy, including yours, and your response to them is frankly disgusting.


  • I like how you immediately assumed I’m a hypocrite, as if I’m one of those people who set up down vote bots. I barely even engage with the political side of lemmy.

    The reality of how votes are used in some parts of the threadiverse, is not an excuse to be one of the people using them in a way they shouldn’t be.

    And refusing to curate your own feed is part of your problem. You want the entirety of lemmy to be the way you want it to be, instead of finding the parts of it that are for you.

    See, you even said it yourself “that’s up to the admins” you’re admitting it. That’s how pompuss some of you admins are. And that’s fucking sad. For you, not me.

    How is choosing what content you host pompous? When I run communities or game servers, and encounter users I don’t want to interact with or enable, I don’t owe them a platform or a good time. I remove them. End of discussion.

    I control what my labor goes towards, and I will not have it be a stepping stone for things I don’t approve of. If someone needs a soapbox, they need to use one which doesn’t mind being stood on. If they can’t find one, or if they bring their own and people still walk by instead of stopping to listen, they need to reconsider if their method of communication is effective.

    Generally, calling people pathetic or telling them they’d get their asses handed to them, isn’t how you get a point across.

    Practice what you preach then, and do the same. Lead by example.

    I already do? Again, how is this a comeback? Continue your insistence on being rude, and you will simply become yet another entry in my blocklist.

  • This isn’t like tiktok where “the algorithm” will pick up on your dislikes and stop showing you that content. Your downvotes nerf the visibility of that content for everyone, while not actually reducing its prevalence in your feed.

    The opposite, when the anime stuff I post gets downvotes, I double down on posting more. So unless you block the community, the content will appear in your feed again.

    Mods can’t see votes yet, but once I can, I would totally do this. Admins already can.

    If you’re just downvoting every post in a community or on an instance, you’re basically engaging in content suppression. You are actively reducing the visibility of an entire type of content which someone does want to see and engage with. But you’re tapping the brakes on that content thriving on lemmy, while doing nothing to actually personalise your feed.

    You don’t get to gatekeep what types of communities get to be on the fediverse. That’s up to admins, and the only limits even they should be enforcing are legal and moral.

    If you just don’t like the content, why would you keep downvoting it instead of blocking it?

    Downvoting is for misinformation, for posts that don’t belong in a given community, and comments that are in bad taste. Kinda like this post.

    If something just isn’t for you, downvoting it is like trying to stop other people from listening to their favourite music because you don’t get it.

  • pro tip: for maximum discoverability wait about a day before cross-posting something

    This post won’t get much visibility in all because the “primary” post (the one with the most votes) will be displayed first, while cross-posts with fewer votes get de-duplicated out of existence.

    It kind of works with posts that are posted at exactly the same time, which will then alternate being the “primary” post, but if one takes off, it’s almost as if the other post/posts don’t exist, as they wont be displayed in most people’s feeds.

    And even when posting at the same time, most people wont upvote the same post twice even if they notice, so you kind of shoot the staying power of the post in the leg by splitting the votes between more than one post.

  • I mean, there isn’t much.

    IIRC, Lara finds him injured, puts a splint on his leg, fights off some wolves, and then he bleeds out and dies.

    I remember him because in the few interactions he has with Lara, he’s super supportive, reminding her she knows all the things she might need to know about surviving… etc. They’re good interactions.

    It’s super obvious they are close, that Conrad has unwavering faith in Lara’s competence, while she looks up to him as a formative presence in her life.

    Basically a really good setup for a character relationship with lots of detail to explore and potential for fun future antics and development… Which all gets ditched immediately.

    All the starting ingredients for a series-spanning character like Sully were there, and went unused.