That explains it, I knew this art style looked extremely familiar but couldn’t place it
That explains it, I knew this art style looked extremely familiar but couldn’t place it
I got a retroid pocket ages ago. Thing’s been in a drawer since day 1. Feels incredibly clunky, both hardware and software. It just feels like a cheap toy.
I have an analog pocket now that does everything I wanted the retroid for much better, and even though it’s not quite the same form factor, the steam deck is an emulation beast too.
True true. There’s also GrapheneOS’s Vanadium browser to keep an eye on, but so far I don’t think it’s usable outside of GOS without jumping through some hoops. Personally not a fan of Chromium-based browsers so I haven’t done much digging outside of the Firefox ecosystem though tbf.
Just to clarify, Fennec is a privacy-focused fork, kind of in the same vein as libreWolf but not as extensive. Since LW isn’t available on mobile, Fennec seems to be the next best thing.
I can’t really think of any browsers that have all the features OP is looking for. FF (+forks) is probably the closest thing out there.
They live their entire lives pissed off at everything anyway