Doesn’t publishing come after getting your stuff reviewed by peers?
(But even if it’s done after, then self-publishing then makes it easier for peers to get your work to review it, which should increase overall quality)
Doesn’t publishing come after getting your stuff reviewed by peers?
(But even if it’s done after, then self-publishing then makes it easier for peers to get your work to review it, which should increase overall quality)
only option is pay out of pocket
Or, ya know, self publish.
Hopefully the inbreeding within those weirdo groups helps fix that.
Sure. Which other scientist who first designed Schrödinger’s Cat experiment should I refer to by name, then?
Disregarding the fallacy in your opening, and calling things for what they are:
If a conditional basic income started today with the stipulation that I had to put 40 hrs/week towards making the world a better place or solving societal problems,
I would spend them by becoming a politician and implementing true Universal Basic Income.
Honest question: why is a larger collider even needed? Just make the particles run more loops around your track.