The art of the golden shower.
The art of the golden shower.
The booing incivility in a place known for etiquette is wonderful to see and hear.
Couch Guyliner must have felt a little hot under the collar in what was supposed to be a safe space.
And nice that artists have been canceling performances in the face of fascism.
Oligarchs should probably take note. But regardless of that: let’s keep it up, good people. We are many.
Frightening and unsettling - yet captivating - artwork that tells a very important message.
One that needs to be told.
Excellent work, OP. Keep up the great work.
I, for one, appreciate that he said that.
As with Felon Drink Bleach, it’s important to do the opposite of what Nazis demand.
All the more reason why we should all constantly discuss the problem of the oligarchs.
This is such beautiful and inspiring art. Furthermore, this brilliant artist’s objective is so noble. Thank you for sharing this.