• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • In case anyone is curious on my 2020 election logic: I was basically so tired of neoliberals thinking that Biden would automatically close the border camps and end gun violence when the recent Democrat stance has always been closer to… thoughts and prayers and inaction. Is that less evil than neon Hitler? Of course. With more distance from both America and neoliberal Biden fans, I can see that now. But for a lot of people, like past!me, being fervently pushed to do A Thing with overly lofty promises OR being guilted into doing The Thing yields opposite results.

  • I’m neutral on there being a community for it really. But then I’m someone with a US citizenship who hasn’t voted in around 5 years because I’m not living in the US anymore, and that upgrades voting for a lesser of two evils from “minorly depressing annoyance” to “majorly depressing and confusing hassle”

    I’ve also been kicked from communities of US citizens living elsewhere for saying I’m not inspired to vote despite the difficulty because I didn’t think it would cause a meaningful difference who won (this would be… circa 2020 elections I believe).

    I’ve since grown beyond this sentiment for various reasons. But I probably would have grown faster if I was able to voice my concerns about voting in the current system without feeling like I was a heretic.

    Tbh, after typing and thinking a bit, I WANT this community here for the same reason I think groups like doomers should be welcomed here. We can’t have the productive discussions that lead to understanding and change if we exclude people who would otherwise be willing to talk and work with us. And yeah, maybe a set space legitimises not voting. But I don’t think that’s a really huge concern honestly.