You honestly think a massive corporation that can’t afford the costs of its own operation could be replaced by a couple of scrappy individuals who absolutely, definitely cannot afford the costs of its own operation?
You honestly think a massive corporation that can’t afford the costs of its own operation could be replaced by a couple of scrappy individuals who absolutely, definitely cannot afford the costs of its own operation?
If you don’t have moderation, your social media will turn into a Nazi bar.
Worse, it will immediately devolve into a CP haven. The dark web is dark for a reason.
It’s such a harsh message to propagate, though. A lot of these smaller countries have been really pushing their space programs, and they don’t need “LOL, lander upside-down” memes to accent their recent failure any further.
At this rate, Japan may be able to actually land on the moon in a few more years, take some great pictures, and shove Mashable’s “space photo of the decade” quote directly up their ass. Where it belongs.
You implied it with the phrase “when Google can’t pay for YouTube anymore”.