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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I got some video goggles about 10 years ago. The picture on the box? A guy wearing cool shades. Me? It felt like 10 pounds strapped to my face in such a way I had to look straight up to sort of see a blurry, blocky video through a screen door. This had to be plugged into a DVD player or a VHS player (yes, really) with three separate cords, but still also ate four AAs more than once an hour, and had built in earbuds in exactly the wrong size. Also, there was a separate cord to a remote control that managed to get tangled up very easily despite being too short to fit in a pocket while the goggles were on your head, so I just kinda looped it over my shoulders. Claimed to have a 3D mode. Never found it. 300$ well spent.

  • So, I never had to try, it just always worked for me. But, a friend of mine once said that she got it to work by holding her finger up in front of her face, like a foot away, and then looking past the finger at something farther away. Then, back to the finger. Looking past her finger, she’d see two of the finger, but as soon as she was thinking about the finger, she’d focus again on it and start just seeing the one finger. The trick to the magic eye is basically getting to where you can deliberately focus past the finger and still look at it? I don’t know, I just look and see the image. Once, someone made a fake one that had no image to try to mess with me. There’s also a neat trick where you can immediately see the difference in side by side images by “magic eye-ing” them. The differences kinda flicker or glow, it’s hard to explain.

  • I really like self -hosting, and some great concepts are coming out of containerization, but I also feel like the next generation are being fed a steady stream of “Rent, lease, stream” to such an extent that kids I know literally don’t understand files on their computer, only cloud connected apps and content. I kind of wish there was a philosophy of tech course that made people carefully consider some of the trade-offs we’re constantly making with the big five.