Some of the newer style locks have a tray that you have to sit the coin in and slide the tray in. A bit like the OG PS2 disc tray. So unfortunately this tool isn’t universal.
But for the traditional slot on the front style, yeah, that’d be cool.
Some of the newer style locks have a tray that you have to sit the coin in and slide the tray in. A bit like the OG PS2 disc tray. So unfortunately this tool isn’t universal.
But for the traditional slot on the front style, yeah, that’d be cool.
I won’t. You can’t kill rock and roll!
Depends on the country, in Scotland it’s free.
Well… Free at the point of use. We pay what’s called council tax which is a tax on the value of your home (even if renting) to cover services like street lamps, sewage, water, libraries, rubbish removal, etc.
But, it’s free to use as much as you want. I could leave my taps on all day if I wanted, there’s no meter, no charge per litre. So considering I have to pay that tax just to live, water is essentially free.
Obviously some countries have more access to water than others, but those without the worry of drought or rationing should definitely have free at the point of use water.
Fuck private interests, fuck profiteering, water is essential for all life, socialist public controlled water for all is the way to go. You only have to look at the water scandals of England to see what private control of water gets you.
America is racist.
Not every American, obviously.
But as a nation, institutionally, America is racist.
Some times it’s more so than others, but it always is, to varying degrees throughout its history.