• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • All the obvious ones have been mentioned already, so I’ll just add:

    • Keyboard tray if your desk doesn’t have one. It allows you to achieve the 90 degree arm position without having to set your desk too low or your chair too high.

    • Wrist pad. A nice gel pad provides great support for your wrist. Just make sure your keyboard and mouse are at the appropriate heights, because if not, a wrist pad can make it worse.

    • Head rest add-on to your chair if it doesn’t have one.

    • Laptop stand to lift your laptop screen to eye level. It also helps to keep it aligned to an external monitor so they are the same heights.

  • I’m sorry, but I’m not arguing in bad faith. City trips and (not country biking) doesn’t automatically mean you’re not exposed to the elements. I live within city limits and it’s a 10 mile bike ride to get to downtown. According to maps, it’s a 1 hour trip, which is manageable, but 95% of the time I would biking directly under the sun. I will only be able to avoid exposure in limited spurts as I get near downtown with all the overpasses. As of this comment it’s 95F and 70% humidity. Elements does not just mean rain and snow. A lot of people underestimate how bad prolonged sun exposure is.

  • One con not mentioned: Exposure to the elements. Being able to ride a bike comfortably in the weather depends on where you live. Prolonged exposure to the sun even with sunscreen is not good. Also, air pollution.

    Edit: Lol at the downvotes. I invite you all to bike in my state in the almost 5 months of sweltering heat in our summer. I’m not anti bike at all and I wish more people would do it. I just wanted to remind people that you also have to be equipped for the weather of the place you will be biking at. Also, I do not like melanoma.