So can there be multiverses that contain every other multiverse other than itself?
I’m certainly glad this one is more active than world’s.
It would be more concerning if it wasn’t.
The soundtrack of Within a Deep Forest. It’s an ambient gem from indie mid-00s gaming. Fun fact: it was made in Impulse Tracker.
First one isn’t even metal. But yes. Not doing that is why anyone even remembers Party Cannon.
Where’s the part where Left 4 Dead begins?
This is also the first Golden Globe for Blender!
Each section of the binary number represents a different component needed to construct the number 300. It uses clever math to be able to represent decimals. It’s like asking you whether a number is positive or negative, then the position of the decimal point, then what the digits are.
The first 0 means the number is positive. The number formed by the next eight bits (the exponent) and the number from the remaining bits (the mantissa) multiply to get 300.
The exponent bits choose the value of N in the formula 2N-127 . For the mantissa, we start with the number 1, then each “1” bit starting from the left adds to it 0.5, then 0.25, and so on. Specifically, we have 28×1.171875.
Blame Banach and Tarski
You wouldn’t be able to see them because they’re underground.
Holy hell