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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 20th, 2024

  • They were half serious and an elaborate ruse. You see, I dont actually subscribe to neoclassical ideology. Crazy huh? Aren’t words wild?

    All the people who understood what was going on and voted on it. Youre the only person who’s had a problem here and needed it all explained to you, in little bits. Just you, on your own.

    As opposed to a big man who calls people a coward from safely behind their keyboard? Grow up.

    No, i thought you had poor social skills and, as such, I couldn’t be bothered with you. I said what I though would make you go away. Although, it turns out you’re were even more bitter and poorly socialised than I thought you were which is really saying something.

    Youre right about one thing at least, although you didn’t say it directly. Much like everyone else in your life I, should’ve just ignored you. I won’t make that mistake again. By all means, feel free to reply and scream into the void. It won’t be read.

  • For sure. WW2 really shows the system for what it is now.

    An utterly insane number of men were fighting or part of the logistics in WW2. It really was a crazy percentage of them. China was in full civil war and India sent huge numbers to fight also.

    The rest, including vast numbers of women, were producing the tank, ships, ammunition etc. Needed for the war. Its estimated that around 4 tonnes of ammunition was expensed for every soldier killed. It really can’t be understated just how much production, from so many people, went into maintaining that global war.

    Yet, despite this, there was more than enough food for everyone. The only outliers were due to incompetence and callousness by the UK in India and Germany trying to starve the UK. However, of course, these were preventable one way or another.

    The only thing we lost was the ultra wealthy.

    The period just after WW2 saw a historic level of equality that we will likely never see again. This, to me, clearly shows that we don’t all work as much as we do for the benefit of our community or anything like that. Its solely for the enrichment of the ultra wealthy, who then use their wealth to extract yet more wealth at ever greater rates.

    The answer has and always will be the strategic refusal of work, outside of what is needed to maintain society. Its why we live in an employment based, market fundamentalist society. Its so the idea of doing anything like that seems like dangerous fundamentalism. But we have to ask ourselves, in what kind of a world is not spending 80% of your adult awake time working, mostly for other peoples benefit, producing the very power used to force this on us, thats killing our planets ability to sustain life, that works us all into an early grave, viewed as extremism?

    It can’t be a very good or rational one and certainly not one worth defending.