Hello! Some info about me is up on my website: https://wreckedcarzz.com

  • 0 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • Related q:

    So I have a machine with fde, + just one os present, + uefi password protected, + only the internal drive as a boot option. I also have sb enabled, but it was off during install (ventoy doesn’t play nice with it, at least for me) so there’s no keys registered, and I’ve reset sb keys anyway (for windows) since installation. Sb on but dormant.

    How vulnerable am I to a theoretical attack? With the drive encrypted and no alternative boot options, an attacker would need to somehow get to /boot/efi from the machine itself, right? Maybe a exploit in uefi? Am I missing any big pieces to the puzzle?

  • My ex was very into ltt when they were just getting off the ground, and I thought the content was trash but I stuck with it so I knew wtf the latest video was about so I could be prepared to discuss it. Then started the bell curve of ‘decent’, then for a very short time ‘good’ and almost ‘enjoyable’, then sliding down the other side of the bell curve back to ‘decent’, and now it’s just actual garbage.

    I only remain a subscriber for the weekly wan show, and that is wearing on me too. Linus just can’t shut the fuck up to save his life, and he interjects more than a helicopter parent. He seems like a decent guy but I want to punch him in the face regardless.

    I’ve been a subscriber to gn for like a decade now and the quality of the content is just night and day. I feel like the poor editors at ltt are pumping out stuff that would be cool if if was 2004 and they were using windows movie maker. But it’s just sad for everyone who got pulled into this toilet vortex, and the people who actually have skills are being ignored for the lulz and the most basic of internet humor. At least Arby n The Chief didn’t try to cast itself as a serious, educational show. “my roflcopter goes soisoisoisoisoi” was great for that. Ltt at that level is just awful.

    I’d absolutely love to see Emily (I think that’s her name…) break away and start her own channel. Their knowledge dwarfs all the other presenters, and they actually know what the fuck they are talking about, instead of half-assing a script and going ‘yolo lolololol money is no object for short-term internet fame’.

  • clears throat

    I go on and on, can’t understand why I love Babo’s; must have a superpower ate 225-thousand meals. Get it calculated, do the math, I ate a thousand meals that made me shit my pants. And for the last 300 months I’ve had 16 restaurants put me in the hospital; heart go (paddles charge) bump. Where you get your meals?

    I heard 93 restaurants say no MSG; 2 bypasses and 10 heart stints. And I’m still gon’ yell it every time you see me eatin. What’s my favorite word? FOOD! Why they gotta say it like $hort? FOOD! You know they can’t clean off my plate, can’t hang with the Big Smoke; can’t finish that order.

    Eat at Babo’s

    Eat at Babo’s

    Eat at Babo’s

    Eat at Babo’s

  • This has legitimately always pissed me off. The mid(dle) west is not in the eastern portion of the country. The first thing I’d do as supreme leader of the united furry states of america is put everyone that says things like “Ohio is in the midwest” onto a boat headed to the Bermuda Triangle. Then sink it when it approaches, just to be sure.

    I’ve heard arguments “but in 1612 we didn’t know that if we kept walking we would find more land” or “the population density is what matters”. You know what I say? On the boat.

  • wreckedcarzz@lemmy.worldtohmmm@lemmy.worldHmmm
    2 months ago

    This image is from either Forza Horizon 4 or 5 (E: maybe Motorsport too?); I have seen most of these vinyls. Oddly missing is the bd logo though…

    It’s amusing watching people have a meltdown when they see furs, but especially so in video games, so I love to egg them on and people who go to these levels with their cars are great. I have a few cars that have a couple stickers, but most see my profile picture first anyway. Show the world how small your penis is as you write a novel about how it’s weird that I have a knotted canine cock, when it was you who started the conversation. A touch of projection and jealousy, methinks. It’s okay, they’ll all come to terms with themselves soon enough.