When you can’t earn money, then, time isn’t money, Money IS Money! Sure that device costs $5 to replace, but with those two hours that you weren’t earning cash, you saved $5 that you can spend on whatever your heart desires. When you aren’t earning, save.
And also the tax/pension/health/VAT deductions from money earned is x% for varying scary values of x, but the equivalent from money “avoided” AKA “money you didn’t need to earn because you didn’t need to spend it because you fixed stuff yourself” is 0%. That is the reason DIY, Right-To-Repair, barter systems, etc are all demonised institutionally. They are wedge-issues which run counter to the fostered futility-narrative that keeps the wage-slaves quietly running on their mouse-wheels, and out of the way of the ownership-class while they constantly “repair” society to their liking.
When you can’t earn money, then, time isn’t money, Money IS Money! Sure that device costs $5 to replace, but with those two hours that you weren’t earning cash, you saved $5 that you can spend on whatever your heart desires. When you aren’t earning, save.
You can be making money anytime nowadays if you’ve got a driver’s license. Not that I’d recommend it though.
Don’t most of those jobs require you to supply your own vehicle, fuel and other vehicle-related expenses?
They do which is why I wouldn’t recommend it.
And also the tax/pension/health/VAT deductions from money earned is x% for varying scary values of x, but the equivalent from money “avoided” AKA “money you didn’t need to earn because you didn’t need to spend it because you fixed stuff yourself” is 0%. That is the reason DIY, Right-To-Repair, barter systems, etc are all demonised institutionally. They are wedge-issues which run counter to the fostered futility-narrative that keeps the wage-slaves quietly running on their mouse-wheels, and out of the way of the ownership-class while they constantly “repair” society to their liking.