So when Israel shot children in broad daylight, used civilians as human shields, shot at civilians waving white flags, disguised themselves as healthcare workers to raid hospitals, and raped and murdered captives that was totally fine? All war crimes, by the way. You may even say Hamas deserves it for what they have done, and I don’t blame you for your anger. Hamas has done horrible things. But if you think being equally evil to the people you consider evil makes you a hero, you couldn’t be more wrong.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind. If revenge is your answer to a problem then you are part of the problem. It’s an endless cycle of hate perpetrated by the previous injustice.
So when Israel shot children in broad daylight, used civilians as human shields, shot at civilians waving white flags, disguised themselves as healthcare workers to raid hospitals, and raped and murdered captives that was totally fine? All war crimes, by the way. You may even say Hamas deserves it for what they have done, and I don’t blame you for your anger. Hamas has done horrible things. But if you think being equally evil to the people you consider evil makes you a hero, you couldn’t be more wrong.
An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind. If revenge is your answer to a problem then you are part of the problem. It’s an endless cycle of hate perpetrated by the previous injustice.