Personally I like the muse headphones. Absolutely fantastic range for the price and if you are actually looking for audio quality + repairable they are great. The build quality is also top notch and compare with the $500+ range headphones. I don’t like how apples sound tbh. For that price it should sound better.
For everything else I just get wired or target brand wireless. The target brand for less than 10$ has lasted over 4 years lol.
Personally I like the muse headphones. Absolutely fantastic range for the price and if you are actually looking for audio quality + repairable they are great. The build quality is also top notch and compare with the $500+ range headphones. I don’t like how apples sound tbh. For that price it should sound better.
For everything else I just get wired or target brand wireless. The target brand for less than 10$ has lasted over 4 years lol.