Interesting topic. Are eo really law ?
Isnt the law you dont allow any trans athletes and you can get federal funding. So if they allow them you just pull all funding from them, and from what I can see (not that they are very good about saying where the money comes from) they only seem to get like 40k from the fed so this wouldnt be an overall loss for them.
Federal funding is billions of dollars.
not to that one state. they can deal with out it. I think you might have missed that it was just the one state not all of sports. And even then, maybe they should get better support from the people that want to see it, and just refuse that money and when it comes to the olympics they could just not work for the USA and see how that effects things. Thats how that money started to flow into those sports to start.
5.1 billion. Trump is calling for all federal funds to be cut. Most likely the courts will stop that but it’s a risk.
Well then if they do, I would think that Maine would have the recourse to refuse to send money to the fed, I wonder how much that is, seeing all those companies that start themselves in Maine for tax reasons. I would think it would lead to some massive court cases, but in the mean time, the state could just use the money they collect for fed as a bandaid, I hope its not like the most of blue states that give well more then they get.
Maine doesnt send money to the Feds. When you pay federal taxes, you pay them straight to the federal government and not the state. It’s a myth blue states give more than they receive.
While its nice to never have to back up your claims, but Maine in 2020 paid in 8,097,747,000 and your claim that they would lose out on 6.1 billion means they are paying in about 2 billion more. And I am sure there could still be a stink somehow put in the mix, if they do not benefit from the fed then why make their citizens pay into it.
States don’t pay federal taxes. The people in the state pay taxes to the federal government.
As such they cant refuse not to pay taxes to the federal government. They never have that money to hold.
Lol all of a sudden you can’t ignore the law. Fuck off off here. Maga Conservatives are #1 at exactly that.