Unfortunately an Alcubierre drive dumps a shitload of high energy radiation in the direction of travel when it stops. We would sterilize every world we get to.
Wouldn’t that be a non-issue? The radiation is going to be spreading out in a cone, not a focused laser beam. It should dissipate down to a level that a spaceships normal radiation shielding would already need to be able to handle pretty quickly.
Isn’t that a solvable problem though? Overshoot the target planet by just enough, that it isn’t in the hemisphere of the warp bubble pointed towards the direction of motion.
Unfortunately an Alcubierre drive dumps a shitload of high energy radiation in the direction of travel when it stops. We would sterilize every world we get to.
So why not just stop beside the planet you are aiming for?
Me travelling calmly through space when a rogue wave of high energy radiation blasts me from some rando warping 2974738 years ago
Wouldn’t that be a non-issue? The radiation is going to be spreading out in a cone, not a focused laser beam. It should dissipate down to a level that a spaceships normal radiation shielding would already need to be able to handle pretty quickly.
Hmm, I think you’re right
Isn’t that a solvable problem though? Overshoot the target planet by just enough, that it isn’t in the hemisphere of the warp bubble pointed towards the direction of motion.
What about traveling slightly off axis? Could even tack back and forth.