I’m not sure if this answers the question, but it might help.
Everything in space is moving, but it’s not expanding outward from a central point, like an explosion. Instead, the space between the things is getting bigger.
The balloon analogy gets thrown around a lot, but I find it misleading- It’s not about the balloon getting bigger, expanding outward from the center of the sphere. It’s more about the surface of that balloon stretching.
The rubber sheet analogy helps. Scatter a bunch of things on a infinite rubber sheet. Now stretch that in all directions - the things get further apart, but are not moving away from a central point.
My understanding Quantum field theory says virtual particles can be created out of vacuum fluctuations, which makes me think there will be more energy after expansion. Again, I might be getting it wrong.
I’d say you’ve more chance of being right than me since I know nothing about it. I mean how can a particle be virtual lol. I thought a vacuum meant no particles.
I believe that’s what dark energy is- the shortfall from not violating conservation of energy, given what we know about physics vs what we observe in the universe.
I’m not sure if this answers the question, but it might help.
Everything in space is moving, but it’s not expanding outward from a central point, like an explosion. Instead, the space between the things is getting bigger.
The balloon analogy gets thrown around a lot, but I find it misleading- It’s not about the balloon getting bigger, expanding outward from the center of the sphere. It’s more about the surface of that balloon stretching.
The rubber sheet analogy helps. Scatter a bunch of things on a infinite rubber sheet. Now stretch that in all directions - the things get further apart, but are not moving away from a central point.
Does it mean space being created out of nothing between things? I’m not good at it but wouldn’t that violate conservation of energy?
How? There’s nothing between the things so I’m guessing there’s no energy?
My understanding Quantum field theory says virtual particles can be created out of vacuum fluctuations, which makes me think there will be more energy after expansion. Again, I might be getting it wrong.
I’d say you’ve more chance of being right than me since I know nothing about it. I mean how can a particle be virtual lol. I thought a vacuum meant no particles.
I believe that’s what dark energy is- the shortfall from not violating conservation of energy, given what we know about physics vs what we observe in the universe.