Civilization's toughest technical challenges are those that require extraordinary (and constantly improving) performance to be delivered at a low cost.
The way they explain how advancements are possible by throwing money at it and ramping up man-hours doesn‘t sit right with me. That’s not how it really works. There‘s a reason why the US suddenly caught up to the technology in the mid 1940s. The engineers and scientists who joined their jet engine force weren‘t just random university grads that suddenly spawned.
It gives an example of two British engines right after that, and the UK’s jet engines were both independent of Germany’s and better than them by the end of the war
The way they explain how advancements are possible by throwing money at it and ramping up man-hours doesn‘t sit right with me. That’s not how it really works. There‘s a reason why the US suddenly caught up to the technology in the mid 1940s. The engineers and scientists who joined their jet engine force weren‘t just random university grads that suddenly spawned.
It gives an example of two British engines right after that, and the UK’s jet engines were both independent of Germany’s and better than them by the end of the war