Author: Oman Al Yahyai
Published on: 11/03/2025 | 00:00:00
AI Summary:
French MP Guillaume Kasbarian is pushing for a new law that would make it easier to reopen bistros, cafés, and bars. His proposal passed the National Assembly on Monday with 156 lawmakers in favour and two against. It now requires approval from the Senate to become law. The proposal has faced resistance from left-wing party La France Insoumise. Kasbarian says that these concerns are misguided. Closing bars does not fight alcoholism; it’s a misleading argument. Amirov and Omarov pleaded not guilty and remained presumed innocent until proven otherwise. Prosecutors intend to call expert witnesses to testify that Iran has long targeted political dissidents abroad. The US government’s indictment states that Iran is actively targeting nationals of the United States and its allies living in countries around the world for kidnapping and/or execution. Omarov, based in Eastern Europe, is accused of hiring a New York-based individual. Alinejad’s activism has encouraged Iranian women to defy country’s hijab laws. New York police officers later arrested the hired hitman.
Original: 855 words
Summary: 165 words
Percent reduction: 80.70%