Absolutely beautiful, still not a fan of the septum piercing.
There has been a distinct lack of Yaks.
I want to spin yak hair (? Wool? Fleece?) into yarn so bad. That looks like so much fun.
resets the board “Lemmy day without yak posts” back to zero.
You know, I’m 52 years old and I don’t think I’ve ever seen an up-close picture of yak that gave a good sense of scale. Those things are just cold-weather banthas.
Ever seen an Indian gaur? Fuckers are massive. They can get bigger than American bison.
Holy shit, that thing is a monster. They make cape buffalo look dainty and soft. :P
I wish I could find the video where I first saw a gaur. He’s just strolling down the road of this town, and everyone is clearing the streets. It was kind of awe inspiring.
I just had the same realization. Look at the size of the yaks head!
I had a similar realization about bison recently too, those things are goddamned huge, bigger even than that mid-sized SUV. Apparently they can get up to 3000lbs in weight.
We camped in Yellowstone 30 years ago, and woke up to a bison in the campground, we all just decided to stay in our tent and wait it out, it wandered off, but left a buffalo chip the size of a x-large pizza at the entrance to our site.
It dried out by the 2nd or 3rd day so we could pick it up and toss it.
Nature is amazing
I had a similar experience camping with my family as a kid outside of Wichita Falls, I must’ve been 9 or 10 tops. I woke up one morning in the camper of my dad’s pickup instead of in my tent. Groggily trying to figure out what was going on I started to crawl out over the tailgate only to have my dad’s hand come around the corner, grab me by the face, and shove me back in, which was sufficient to wake me up enough to realize that there were 15-20 full-sized bison ambling through the camp. One of them even came within a couple feet of the truck. Needless to say I practically crapped my pants because I had never been anywhere near any kind of animal that big before.
Someone must have spent the better part of a week brushing that huge beast.
That’s a Jim Henson creature that’s about to guide that dude through a maze. You can’t convince me it’s not.
Smell bad!
Rocks friends.
Never seen a Yak before, now I know whst Appa was based off of and had to comment, beat me too it lol
Yip yip!
That dude is such a vibe, but the yak still steals the spotlight completely
Lacking in Yaks? Don’t talk back.
Yak.net promo, right here folks
Dude looks like he’s got a killer rendition of Secret Tunnel
How do they mount that nose ring without hurting it? :(
The nose ring is pretty much necessary. Bulls (in general and I assume for yaks its the same thing) lose their respect for humans the older they get. It can then happen, that they try to attack a human to demonstrate, that they are stronger (which they are). In this case this nose ring is the only way you can save yourself. Grab the ring, turn it and suddenly a raging bull turns into a quite submissive animal.
And you don’t see that as a reason why you shouldn’t subjugate and abuse another being?
I agree that it is morally bad to make another living being feel bad BUT if i have the choice between getting attacked and very likely injured (i dont know the extend but if it stomps on me i guess is could be fatal for me) or have the animal wear a nosering i can pull when worst comes to worst
I would definetly pull
If you get attacked by a yak or bull with no nosering they can and will easily kill you, or at least injure you quite badly. In this scenario your only way to survive is to aim for the nose, since its the most sensitive part of the body and then get the hell out of there. If you dont have anything close by where the bull can’t reach you, you are fucked.
Thank you for clarifying my guess
Name checks out
You have guesses why I chose my name.
Lacketty Yacks you say?
Don’t talk back
I thought they smelled bad on the outside.
But they are sweet and tasty on the inside.
I don’t know. The last time I smelled the inside of one, it was pretty bad. My buddy got lost in a blizzard, so I rode my yak out to find him. When I finally got to him, he was so hypothermic that I had no other choice but to use his weird religious laser gadget to cut open the yak and stuff him inside. It was so nasty that I made the above remark.
A similar thing happened to me, but in my case I had to cut open a Yak in the dead of winter and hide inside it to avoid hypothermia and avoid the people chasing me so that I could hunt them down one by one and exact revenge. But you talk to kids nowadays, they don’t realize how good they have it.
If they’re not cutting open yaks for warmth are they even trying?