I steal crumbs.
Also I maintain a secret cache of documents underneath the Alaskan tundra with the help of a diesel generator, some very large goggles and a years supply of smoked frozen herring.
This is OUR quality content comrade!
Community relevance checks out.
Get that deep fryer and get to work.
I’m going to upvote and temporarily approve this post.
Association of Suffragettes Accepting Purgatory
A Sugar Apple Perfection
A Super American Penis
Its been 3 months since we got wisdom from Skelator.
Venus, Genius, come here and suck my…
I went to hell for upvoting this.
The calculator subscription was my undoing.
Please fill out this captcha form to prove you are a moth. https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=i+am+a+moth&iax=images&ia=images
found it! at lemmy.world
I wouldn’t, there are plenty of filter lists right from ublock itself which I trust more.
in this github there is a bit of fuckery with the link notice he has an affiliate link for adblock plus instead of linking to the goddamn host list directly.