“Be quiet small man”… smallest dick energy I’ve seen today.
Musk is gonna be copping a lot of that in response to his tweets now.
Isn’t it becoming quite widely known now that he’s gotten a bad penile implant?
his brain is as broken as his willy
I can’t fucking stand that douche. I wish Luigi would visit that cocksucker. Man, that feels good to say. Fuck Reddit too!
Removed by mod
Fuck it feels good to say that doesn’t it?
I got permanently banned from Reddit for saying this. 17 hours and it’s still up uh
Edit: whoops 17 upvotes, not 17 hours ☺️
.world gave up moderating Saint Luigi. I don’t know what .uk’s stance was
We’ll probably have to figure that one out but we largely let the Mods set the tone in communities and, as this is a friendly, helpful community, I wouldn’t bet on that post remaining.
I got IP banned on Reddit for saying that someone who pushed a woman on a bike over and made her fall, should be pushed instead. Big violence on my part lmfao
Cue Rocket Lab
Don’t let the fascists fool you, there are alternatives to Starlink. Eutelsat in France, Telesat in Canada and Inmarsat in the UK, just to name a few examples.
When the war was turning in Ukraine’s favor and they were about to push into Russia, he shut it off and crippled their counter offensive. I remember. Fuck Elon and fuck starlink.
Which is why Starlink needs to be confiscated and managed by NATO. Somebody has to operate it, and it should be an entity who is on the side of Freedom amd Democracy.
It’s not that easy to confiscate sattelites
Sure it is. You just confiscate the infrastructure that operates them here on earth, and order their employees to comply.
I don’t think that this would be a good idea, but it is definitely doable.
When it comes to stuff like this, the USA is like a tax heaven: outside of international jurisdiction and never signed any cooperation agreement with foreign powers. The USA is the best place to run shady business right now
Musk and Starlink aren’t major difference makers in this war. It’s a years-long slog where the main takeaway is “cheap and reliable in volume is more than a match for the newest and fanciest.” It hasn’t been on the verge of turning in Ukraine’s favor since the end of Russia’s initial push towards Kyiv.
Is that why you guys are welding cages on your tanks?
“Everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian” was ran into the ground five years ago, get new material.
But yes, a steel cage offering significant protection against much more modern technology is a great example of what I’m talking about.
Not push into Russia, but attempting to retake Crimea.
They’re presumably talking about the Kursk Oblast.Edit: probably not, see responses.IIRC that was long after that. The initial shutoff of Starlink happened around the explosions targeting the Crimean bridge and them introducing their naval drones.
Exactly, he basically messed up the offensive to retake Crimea.
Elon & Trump are Russia’s greatest weapons.
I don’t like Putin, but he’s a black belt judoka additionally trained in combat by the russian secret services.
He could fuck that misshapen walrus pool toy without even getting out of breath.
Putin is just as full of shit as Elon is.
Mofos couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag.
Just shows how uneducated you are. Putin was trained kgb agent during the soviet union. You see how he looks at his current age and it doesnt take a rocket scientist to tell he could wreck the ordinary politician and dictators. Russia’s whole thing is physical strength.
I stand corrected.
Putin couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag.
Twitters UI confuses me. Where do I start? What’s the next one? And where’s the end?
It starts in the middle. It’s smaller and indented because it’s then being quoted by the Polish minister on top. Then Elon, fuckwit that he is, responds at the bottom.
How is that coherent lol. What happens when 4 or 6 tweets are twoted?
It was never meant to be used like this, and Twitter just never changed it out of pure stubborn bullshit
The original idea is that you’d retweet something, say something like “check out this bullshit” and then read the re-tweet, but people regularly use it as a reply feature that boosts to their audience instead and so this UI insanity happens
Oligarchs used to act the part, and have the appearance of being “classy”.
Now Oligarchs are just a bunch of 4chan users.
Wtf is: “Be quiet, small man”
That’s not an elegant way of speaking.
These people are supposed to be “upper class”?
Really dude ?? 4Chaners are smarter than Elon, Elon is the definition of rock-bottom
They’re just as obnoxious as he is.
It’s time for Europe to finally get their own solutions.
It’s called One Web by Eutelsat. Same latency and reliability, but less Mb/s about 70 Mb/s (and does it matter much for the few Kb packets to relay small amounts of data?).
Eutelsat has about 9% the number of satellites and Starlink is expanding fast. This significantly limits the potential backhaul, which is why Eutelsat doesn’t really focus on consumers, but rather governments and enterprise. They don’t have the backhaul to offer wide consumer products. Their cost of launch is 10x higher than Starlink, at least, so they’ll never be able to compete in backhaul or the consumer space. Of course they could contract SpaceX to launch their satellites, but then they’re basically paying the competition to operate, and this power imbalance would be immediately leveraged to their detriment.
The bottom line here is that competitors need reusable rockets, and no one else is even close. However Musk put together the company and strategy pushed space transport forward by decades in a very short space of time, and it’s unlikely another Musk figure emerges in Europe. I do not subscribe to the common notion that if we throw enough money at the problem we can solve it. Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin confirms this. It appears to require an appetite for extreme risk; the will to blow up hundreds of expensive rockets; and likely a penchant for the disregard of existing safety laws. The EU would never permit this.
Correct. The EU and its cadres of Brussels technocrats cornered the law in multiple angles so a risky (yet massively profitable and useful) venture like SpaceX would never find the right conditions to exist
Its a tricky balance, on one hand the US system has createst the most profitable and capable companies on earth, on the other hand its also created the most powerful and regulation capturing companies on earth.
I don’t really believe in the financial aspects of reusable rockets, but I tend to believe in the financial aspects if an air force gives you free launch sites then a US state gives you public land to use as you wish without any supervision. Using taxes to pay for something and call it cheap, as shameful with spaceX as it is for EU healthcare (except in one case it benefits one company, in the other whole nations).
I’m not really sure I understand what you’re arguing here. That reusable rockets are easy to build as long as the government gives one some land to use? If that were true we would have had reusable rockets many decades ago.