Why do people make the “smooching” noise when kissing? It seems like it takes at least a little intentional effort to make that noise. Is it weird to make out but not make the noise?

  • Cosmic Cleric@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    I believe you are thinkng of swishing.

    Actually no, I was talking about gargling.

    Gargling can be done without making the GARHGARHGARHGARH loud noise while still gargling and getting the back of the throat.

    Basically I only do that whenever I have a sore throat, but I don’t know of any way of keeping the fluid from going past the back of your throat without making that loud sound.

    I mean I’m not going to go with glass breaking decimal levels of making that sound, but you do have to do a gargling sound of some kind.

    Anyway, I bow to your greater gargling techniques.

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