Author: David Pierson and Berry Wang
Published on: 19/03/2025 | 00:00:00
AI Summary:
Chinese experts say Beijing is open to talks but is being stonewalled by the State Department and other official channels. President Trump fueled new speculation this week about a meeting with China’s top leader, Xi Jinping. China wants to try to head off further escalations in the trade war that would set back its efforts to revive the country’s beleaguered economy, experts say. Chinese officials describing Beijing’s efforts to curtail the production of fentanyl last week urged the United States to return to dialogue. Beijing wants to know what Mr. Trump wants from China in a potential trade deal as well as how he might respond to China’s wish list. China may see lack of urgency from the U.S. Side for high-level talks as reflecting an effort by Mr. Rubio and Mr. Trump’s national security adviser, Michael Waltz, to stonewall China. “Rubio is not in the mood to do anything” in terms of talks because he considers China a threat, said Wang Dong. The next month will be critical for US-China relations, analysts say. China is likely to want Mr. Trump to come to Beijing rather than have Mr. Xi travel to the United States. U.S. Officials may also want to put a firmer agenda around such meeting. Senator Steve Daines of Montana will be visiting China this week to attend a business forum. China has said any deal would only be acceptable if it is in line with market principles, meaning the United States can’t simply sell China products at a much higher price to meet a target. For now, Mr. Trump might be biding his time to build leverage in a future negotiation with China, Ms. Sun said, dealing with other trading partners while letting the Chinese “stew in their own juice at the same time”
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