Problem solved at work? Knitted? Got your toddler to eat vegetables? Whatever you’ve done, tell us here!
I’m getting the hallway decorated. I looked at a million different combos and I’m going for a wall in navy patterned wallpaper, with dusky pink paint walls. Cos I’m in my 40s and single so I can do what I like!
That’s gonna be gorgeous, please post pics when it’s done!
Will do!
That wallpaper is like something I always low-key wanted but have never dared to actually do yet. The pink is also lovely. So I’m cheering you on for actually living our secret dream!
Haha thanks! Perk of being single, don’t have to compromise with anyone
came up with concepts for game design; they might not turn into real games, but fun to think about!
Ooooh what kind of plans?
topics, themes, mechanics — anything, really in particular, a game about brewing potions with friends seemed fun to me
That does sound fun!
is it sad that the main way I express creativity now is through how I put together outfits? I honestly can’t think of many other outlets 🤔
EDIT: I realized I express creativity in my baking & cooking!
Absolutely not! It’s a great way to express your personality and a fun way to create every day.
thank you!! 💕 You’re always so nice and supportive 🥰
That’s really kind of you thanks dandelion 🥰
I cracked a push button combination lock. It’s crazy how easy they are to get into