It’s not just about his career, it’s about his life. Netanyahu faces possible incarceration if he loses his position.
He deserves it
He is a mass murderer and war criminal
He’s not alone
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Apparenty he does not deserve the guilliotine. I wish someone would explain why…
The argument is probably that death spares him more suffering while being incarcerated.
Ye I agree I guess, but he’s still fucking walking around with power, causing endless suffering. He long since needs to find out.
Israel is a demonic settler colony
Nothing demonic about it unfortunately, just plain old brainwashed radicalised humans…
Not at all defending Israel s actions, but it’s really easy to radicalize a group when all of the nations that surround you want to wipe your nation off the map. It really isn’t a surprise how many people are okay with the genocide in that context. The whole situation is a shit show.
I’d wager that if you want to improve your relations with your neighbors, perhaps setting their tool sheds on fire and killing their pets over and over and over and over and over and over while screaming the whole time “I’M DEFENDING MYSELF” isn’t the best course. But hey, I’m not a diplomat.
Yeah the problem here though is that Israel is the one with all the power here to stop the violence as they’re the ones forcing people out of their land. I view it in a similar way to what happened in Ireland, if you want to stop the violence you have to make efforts to negotiate a true lasting peace, then whatever groups that are left that still want to commit violence will slowly lose support as the people stop supporting violence with a good peace treaty in place. But instead of doing that Israel is basically using the same argument the US used for why freeing slaves would be bad as in their mind at the time if they freed them the slaves would kill all the white people.
There’s the Hasbara.
Plenty of people on Lemmy demand Israel’s destruction in every comment section.
Provide evidence of “plenty of people” demanding violence against jews in Israel here on Lemmy or stop making this claim.
2 out of the 4 countries boardings Israel, Jordan and Egypt, have peace treaties with Israel. The Arab gulf nations were in the processes of normalizing relations.
Lebanon(Hezbollah) and Syria were basic Iranians proxy.
The only country that’s hellbent on wiping Israel off the map, beyond just lip service, is Iran.
Netanyahu would lose so he continues this war.